Slope of hope stock market

Slope of hope stock market

Posted: Pavelcreative Date: 15.06.2017

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Slope of Hope | Technical Analysis, Stock Charts, and Bear Markets | Page 2

Hopefully it will mostly have passed by tomorrow, as it has definitely improved from yesterday to today. When the triangle thrust ends the thrust is usually entirely retraced.

By Tim Knight - June 20, 3: First off, I want to personally applaud the coolest new feature in SlopeCharts , which I announced yesterday, which is the preloading of data. What a joy this is!

When I want to look at a watchlist, I just fire up Preload, go off and do something else for a minute or two like get a fresh Blue Bottle , and go through my charts at lightning speed. The progress bar below shows how things are going. By Tim Knight - June 20, I am quite busy updating my stop prices on my jillions of positions, and although there are better charts out there, I figured, what the hell, throw a spear at the biggest elephant.

Slope of Hope | Technical Analysis, Stock Charts, and Bear Markets

By Tim Knight - June 20, 6: My near-obsession with energy stocks continues to save my bearish butt from this otherwise insane cocaine-snorting, heroin-injecting market. Ever since the completely stupid OPEC love-fest ended, market forces remember those? In the meantime, the entirety of my ETF portfolio is already positioned and strongly leveraged in the energy bear market.

slope of hope stock market

By Tim Knight - June 19, 9: A SlopeCharts user and PLUS member has been emailing me about using the Macintosh with the system, wondering if SlopeCharts is Macintosh-friendly. Well, I gave it the run-through this evening, and it passed with flying colors. Apple, in its wisdom, has never given its users a right-button for its mouse which I think is idiocy , so you need to use the Ctrl button instead e.

slope of hope stock market

But except for that one oddity, everything works just great. I wanted to mention this in particular since I was surprised to see how many Mac users we actually have here on Slope. By Tim Knight - June 19, 3: If I drag it down to the low, the target is a tiny bit higher — — Create a Free Slope of Hope Profile Participate in our popular comments section.

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Slope of Hope | Technical Analysis, Stock Charts, and Bear Markets

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