Call options defintions

Call options defintions

Posted: smile008 Date: 28.06.2017

Chris O'Brien: Feature stapling

Tue Mar 23, 3: Is there any inbuilt COBOL or LE feature which can allow an application program to wait for a specified time? Tue Mar 23, 4: The only problem is that it operates in 24 bit addressing mode.

The wait-time is specified in terms of seconds.

In the below example, the pgm sits for 45 secs. CALL WAIT-MODULE USING WAIT-TIME.

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Tue Apr 06, Thanks for the info Kolusu. I have another questionthis may sound a bit amateurish - but what would happen if i link the ILBOWAT0 module from a 31 bit module?

If you link ILBOWAT0 with a 31 bit mode then the job will abend with u with the following message: IGZS An attempt was made to pass a parameter address above 16 megabyte to AMODE 24 program ILBOWAT0. Fri Sep 03, Sat Sep 04, 3: ILBOWAT0 is not the name of any COBOL compiler. It is biscuit mill market woodstock of the modules supplied with the COBOL LE library.

It can run on zOS just so long as it runs in 24 bit mode.

What is call option? definition and meaning -

There will still be plenty of things covered calls options ex les in 24bit, others in 31bit, and other call options defintions will be stored above the 32 bit line. Tue Sep 14, 5: An easy way to keep one identifier under the line, you can define it EXTERNAL.

That is what you can do with the field wait-time. Sun Jan 08, Hi all, Can any one provide some indepth info like source code. Just curious to call options defintions.

call options defintions

Tattva, ILBOWAT0 is a poorly documented actually no Documentation which is still a part of the LE run-time library. Why do you need the source code? Sun May 07, An attempt was made to initialize an AMODE24 application without usingthe ALL31 OFF and STACK ,BELOW run-time options.

call options defintions

As you said there are ways of overcoming this error. Can you please tell how to get rid of this. Fri Jan 29, 1: Most of the sites are using default intallation parms which means that EXTERNA defintions are below the 16M line. By defining your A-mode 24 adressing parm as EXTERNAL, it will go ok. Fri Jan 29, 9: Ah ha -- a time traveler. Fri Jan 29, William Collins Supermod Joined: I'm resisting the temptation to edit the topic title to year wait in COBOL.

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