Nintendogs how to make money fast

Nintendogs how to make money fast

Posted: webz Date: 07.06.2017

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Community Showcase Explore More. Edit Page Related Discussion History Close More To Do Page Source. You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. In an H2OH commercialthe narrator voice comments how cool it is that nature gave spikes to the hedgehog, instead of you human. In the video, though, the guy shoots spikes all around. It's said that porcupines can shoot their quills — porcupines are not hedgehogs, however, and the popular belief is in fact false. Porcupines may have their spines dislodged while swinging their tails around because the spines are very loosely attached to the porcupine so that they'll come out once they've been lodged in another creature's skin; however, they don't deliberately shoot their quills at a target.

They're much more likely to reverse into your leg and fill it with hooked barbs. Yellow boasts "Check out my adenoids! Lots of ads and other kinds of artistic portrayals show "parrots" that don't exist in nature, with bizarre coloration, patterns, etc. But even depictions which were obviously done with a good attention to detail, including real-life parrot coloration, feather layout, anatomy, etc. A very large fraction of all parrot artwork gives them "chicken feet" with three toes facing forward, one facing back instead of real parrot feet which have two toes forward, two toes backwards.

Corona Beer ads are especially bad about this. The same problem often crops up in depictions of toucans, woodpeckers, cuckoos, and roadrunners, which also like parrots have zygodactyl feet. Most commercials for hair care products use words like "nourishment" or "healthy hair. The only part that's actually alive is underneath the skin, in the follicle.

There's the "oxygenated water" thing. Drinking water with more oxygen packed into it is good for you, right? Well, only if you had fish gills in your stomach. If your stomach and intestines could perform that sort of gas exchange, Coke and Pepsi with their carbon dioxide would be deadly poison. Lungs do that function excellently, thank you. There's one vitamin commercial that claims that it helps repair your "cell walls ", a feature not found in mammalian cells.

Even if they're just trying to put "cell membrane " in simpler terms, those terms only exist in biology nobody knew about the things to name them before the invention of the microscopeso their technical usage is their only correct one.

A major plot point in Doraemon involving Sewashi changing the past by sending Doraemon back to 20th century to improve Nobita's future, resulting in his great-great-grandmother being changed from Jaiko to Shizuka. The fact that this doesn't occur in any of the mangas or adaptation so far suggest that there is something that Sewashi didn't tell or either the authors just didn't think about this. In-universe example in Axis Powers Hetalia. Its most prominent female character Hungary used to think she was a boy.

And she thought that penises grow as you age, which would "explain" her And she laughed at Prussia for "not knowing. In a fight with Baki, he blinds him by ripping out his optic nerves; apparently unlike all other humans, his optic nerves are located in his neck. Baki then temporarily repairs them by knotting the nerve endings. Of course, he makes a full recovery. Somewhere, a neurologist is weeping.

Handwaved in Digimonanything impossible that a Digimon or the Digital World does is explained away by saying "they're just data".

Ken Akamatsu seems to have been blindsided by myths about eyesight. Supposedly, Naru 'ruined her eyes' by studying so much for her entrance exams, and towards the end, Keitaro has developed night blindness, unstated but implied to be from going on so many digs with Seta.

While these things are possible, they would require our fun couple to do most everything by dim candle-light, never get enough Vitamin A in a modern culture, and seems a combo of somewhat realistic biology and old wives' tales. Maybe this was meant to symbolize their blindness about their mutual feelings, but genetics also plays a huge role in eyesight.

Naruto Naruto was born the day of the Demon Fox attack. But at the time of the sealing he is shown without an umbilical stump.

That usually doesn't happen until ten days after birth. Surgery in Naruto tends to work a bit like LEGO with anyone being able to put pieces of other people onto themselves with minimal effort. Eyes are repeatedly removed and given to other people. In once case a character manages to implant someone else's eye in his socket while sprinting. Another character managed to pull out his own eyes and put them into someone else's head without that other person noticing what had happened.

The cells of Hashirama Senju can apparently just be implanted willy-nilly into anyone for various effects. Madara Uchiha discovered their power when, for some reason, he used pieces of Hashirama's flesh to patch his wounds. The same thing happens with Orochimaru. Late in the story Kabuto injects Orochimaru's blood into his body and it gradually infests his body like a cancer while also giving him Orochimaru's abilities.

Plenty of characters suffer significant burn injuries, but only to their skin and body. Their hair and clothing usually remain intact. This may be because of the laws of reason, i. When Tetsuo from Yuureitou is unable to use testosterone for several weeks his voice starts reverting to a more feminine pitch.

In real life going off testosterone doesn't do that to trans men. It might affect other parts of your body, however your voice changes are permanent. In The Worst Case Scenario Survival Gamea game about answering questions, the "correct" answer to a question about sky diving is that sky divers breathe though their skin. And this game is supposed to be accurate! In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer miniseries "Viva Las Buffy", in which our heroine travels to Las Vegas, the villains are two twins joined at the hip: This being Buffy and as such, anything can happena wizard probably did it.

In Calvin and HobbesCalvin's mother once told him not to take Hobbes into a lake the family was camping by because "tigers don't swim very well". Frankly, I'm not sure your mom knows so much about tigers. This leads to Vlad becoming Danny's biological father to prevent him from being born with hemophilia Jack and Maddie had just discovered that Maddie and Jazz were carriers for it.

Once Vlad wakes up from the vision, he reminds Titania what almost anyone who knows anything about hemophilia would have already noticed: Titania admits that she included that error on purpose so Vlad would know for sure that it really was All Just a Dream.

Fanfic writers generally tend to forget that horses can't vomit — although, to be fair, so does the showgiven the many instances of ponies vomiting such as in response to disgusting pastry. Ironically, this very trope inspired a fanfic in response to refute this: In second chapter of A Kingdom DividedVinyl Scratch has her bloodtype tested with "human" AB 0 kit. Real life horses have over 30 different bloodtypes, which would require completely different set of antibodies. Whenever a birth is portrayed, it is often presented with the same sort of dramatic tension that human births are often portrayed with, complete with the pain labor causes.

Never mind that due to their quadrupedal body design, horse births are usually very quick and easy a necessity for prey animals to avoid detection by predators. Few fics are accurate enough to portray equine pregnancy as 11 months as opposed to a human's 9 months. In The Darker Knight Batman's batarang hits "Too-Face" in non-vital organs The fanfic Full Metal Dragon doesn't even have to start before this happens. Jake's mom had an affair while she was still pregnant with him.

Jake stayed with them while the other child went with his father, Hoenheim of Light. Technically, this is possible. It's called superfetationand there have been only 10 known human cases. In Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark YagamiDark shoots and kills Watari on his way out of the "Whammy" house. Watari returns six chapters later, having been revived by CPR - even if he hadn't been killed, CPR could not have saved his life.

In the Percy Jackson and the Olympians fanfiction Moon Daughter: Invoked in universe by Elizabeth in The New Retcons to try to explain why she and her husband both light haired produced a dark haired baby. Unfortunately for her, Anthony paid attention in biology, and that coupled with the baby's darker skin tone tipped him off that the baby's not his.

The average normal adult has roughly 5 liters 1. The Sailor Moon Legend of Zelda: Dakari-King Mykan gives us this gem, where a character seems to have biology and geology a tad confused: Melvin was most outraged by that.

nintendogs how to make money fast

Jenna from Balto is a red Siberian Husky. While "red" Siberian Huskies do exist, they're more of a brownish tone than a bright red. Jenna's fur invokes Heroes Want Redheads more than the actual colour does. Thumper is depicted with paw pads, something real rabbits do not have. Also, his nose is drawn looking more like a cat's nose than the "V"-shaped noses actual rabbits have. The Great Prince is shown with fully-grown antlers in spring, summer and winter, even though deer shed their antlers and grow new ones every year.

Bambi gets "twitterpated" in the spring, but the mating season of white-tailed deer is in the autumn. It seems that the bulls and cows of Barnyard and its spinoff Back at the Barnyard are separate species. Case in point, Otis is a male cow and one episode has a female bull. Going past all of the usual dragon examples that would apply to the beast from Beowulf like wingspanhow does a heart that can fit in a man's fist pump blood through the body of a seventy foot long flying and swimming reptile?

Never mind that a heart in the neck protected by tracing paper is a bad idea anyway. Blocking the trachea and being easily ripped out are not desirable traits in a heart. However this is a human-demon hybrid, so there is an element of the supernatural at work which can circumvent the biological impossibilities. Barracuda don't have much of a taste for eggs.

They prefer live prey. Though, it's possible the barracuda was aiming for Coral and destroyed the eggs by accident. Also, clownfish don't keep their eggs in caves for the very reason that happened in the movie.

To keep their eggs safe from anything that would eat the eggs, they lay them on a flat part of the sea anemone where egg-eaters can't get them. But then again, you need some reason to get the plot going The interior of the whale's throat is too large. While blue whales have a gigantic mouththeir throat is tiny and unable to swallow anything larger than a beach ball though that is still enough to swallow Marlin and Dory. They also have respiratory and digestive traits completely separated, you know, so that they don't unintentionally sneeze fish out of their blowhole.

And where is the light inside its mouth coming from? Chuckles, the gift fish who was killed by Darla, looks like a goldfish. Which live in freshwater. The other Tank Gang fish are saltwater fish.

You can see where this is going. None of the sea turtles seem to worry about having to breathe. They also don't travel in flocks, but this was intentional. Sea turtles don't live anywhere near years; that honor belongs to tortoises. Their expected lifespan is still quite impressive at 80 years. Clownfish do live in anemones but they also live in harems dominated by one male and one female, with a lot of non-productive males in the rest.

When the dominant female dies, the dominant male undergoes a Gender Bender and becomes the new dominant female. Clownfish will also reproduce with their relatives in times of emergency. This particular tidbit has raised eyebrows at the choice of clownfish for the film. Interestingly, a featurette on DVD addresses the whole Artistic License issue.

An animator relates a story of one of their consultants talking about the biological inaccuracies in their final fish designs. The animator replied, sheepishly, "Well The Dodos are in fact extinct, but they didn't die out during the Ice Age. They were wiped out by man very quickly after discovering the remote island of Mauritius were they used to live. Not mainly for food they tasted awfulbut simply as some sort of sport They were in no way "too dumb to live" as portrayed in the movie, but just evolutionary unfit for the challenge by naked apes who, after a long sea travel, would see clubbing fat flightless birds as appropriate entertainment.

Of course, many predators will kill prey animals even if they're not currently hungrypossibly because having carrion on hand that you recently had no use for can be quite helpful.

Humans are just the only ones that guilt-trip over it. There is a creature which is identified as an aardvark, but though it has the ears of an aardvark, it has the bushy tail of a giant anteater, and its snout is weirdly elongated to be reminiscent of an anteater not an aardvarkbut that animal would have a tiny mouth at the tip of its snout, whereas the cartoon critter has its mouth at the base. Scrat the proto-squirrel has huge saber-like canine teeth. Being rodents, squirrels — even prehistoric ones — don't have canines at all.

Although the authors have said in an interview that it was Played for Laughs. Later crosses into Accidentally Correct Writing since a later discovered prehistoric mammal was indeed squirrel-likeand did indeed have fangs. It was not a rodent though, and lived in the Mesozoicnot in the Cenozoic, much less the last ice age. The Legend of the Titanic: The dolphins jump as high as the deck of Titanic and manage to float in the air for a short amount of time by flapping their flippers.

The unrealistically large octopus which has a dog's nose, and has to take a breath before it goes underwater. Stallion of the Cimarron: Spirit is shown leading the herd, something that only mares do. A stallion stays at the very back, herding stragglers. The Lion King Nala's father should logically be Mufasa or Scar, making her related to Simba, who became her mate. In an early script Nala was Simba's cousin that ultimately According to The Lion Guard her father is an unknown, possibly rogue, male.

Rafiki is a mandrill with a tail of a baboon and living in the savannah instead of in the forest ; Zazu is a red-billed hornbill that is blue instead of brown; Pumbaa is a reddish brown warthog that looks more like a big-headed pig than a warthog; Timon is an always-bipedal meerkat with human-like teeth and that says "Ugh, Carnivores!

Lions in this film have larger dew claws than in Real Lifewhich they can use as thumbs to make human-like hand gestures. It's the most conspicuous with Scar, who grabs Banzai by the neck during his Villain Song. The movie was originally going to be called King of the Jungle and be about African lions living in the jungle.

This idea was dropped when the production staff realized that lions don't actually live in the jungle. Given that they are very close to the same age, realistically, Scar and Mufasa would have been kicked out of their natal pride by their father at or around the same time, and worked together to take over a pride. Which they would then lead and father cubs for together.

The same would have happened to Simba, had Mufasa lived. But, that doesn't make for a very good Disneyfied version of Hamletnow does it? In general, the pride operates much closer to a human monarchy than an actual lion pride, with a clear line of succession, a monogamous ruling couple, and even royal advisers and arranged marriages. The hyenas bark and whine like dogs.

In real life, hyenas are more closely related to cats, and normally make whooping or giggling noises. A relativity small thing, but none of the cubs in either of the movies seem to be part of a litter. Though lionesses typically have small litters usually just two or three cubs at a time and having a single cub is certainly possible, to have all of these cubs being single births is quite bizarre. Lions also tend to have litters within months of each other, but Kiara was the only cub in her pride and her parents were the only two when they were young.

Extended media tries to fix this, such as The Lion King: Six New Adventures introducing Chumvi and Kula as Nala's childhood friend and The Lion Guard having Kiara be friends with two cubs as well, but the characters end up looking like random additions. Lion cubs lack the rosettes that actual young cubs have. The sole exception is Kion from The Lion Guard who is actually too old for them. Concept art shows that Simba originally had rosettes, but in the final product he lacks them.

Newborn lion cubs are depicted as rather large and with their eyes already open, in contrast to real cubs who are smaller and born with their eyes closed. Marty from Madagascar is treated as if he's having a Hollywood Mid-Life Crisis at age ten. While it's true that wild zebras have a life expectancy of twenty-five, captive zebras have a life expectancy of forty. Jiminy Cricket bears very little, if any, resemblance to an actual cricket. To be fair, however, Jiminy was originally depicted as an actual that is, less anthropomorphized cricket with toothed legs and waving antennae.

But Walt wanted something more likable. So he assigned animator Ward Kimball to redesign the cricket. Kimball whittled away at any and all cricket-like appendages until Jiminy became, in Kimball's words, "a little man with an egg head and no ears. And the only thing that makes him a cricket is because we call him one.

He also has belly lining, which is a trait of baleen whales. He is also seen sleeping at the bottom of the ocean. Whales don't sleep that way, or else they would drown. Although it's eventually revealed he's just pretending to sleep so he can ambush passing schools of fish. The Princess and the Frog: The alligators that attack Tiana and Naveen are depicted with interlocking teeth like crocodiles. It gets jarring in that Louis has his lower teeth hidden when he closes his mouth, like a real alligator.

When they're frogs, Tiana is smaller than Naveen, more or less proportional to human males and females. In most real-life frog species, the female is larger than the male. They explain that "the chicken came first" by retelling The Bible story of Noah's Arkand comparing the riddle to who came first: Scientists now think the dinoid oviducts had to evolve to produce the proper egg before the chicken 's ancestor could be hatched. Technically, the chicken did evolve first.

Tarzan's often able to win over others' sympathy through his eyes, including the gorillas. In reality, gorillas do not like direct eye contact, perceiving it as a challenge. Locking eyes with one of them is demanding a fight. A human walking on his knuckles as Tarzan does would be extremely painful, and cause severe damage to the bones in the hands. Gorillas get away with this due to thicker knuckle bones and arms longer than their legs, unlike humans. As he's spent most of his life walking on all fours, Tarzan's pretty fortunate that his back isn't wrecked as well.

The alpha baboon has the colorful face of a mandrill, something real baboons lack. The female African elephants in the film are portrayed without tusks. Female Asian elephants have no tusks, but African ones do. Played for Laughs with Tantor's trunk, which he accurately uses as a snorkel like real elephants Does he have eyes inside his trunk?

Or maybe it's just a visual representation of him sniffing? In a scene, gorillas are shown eating termites, fishing for them with sticks. While lowland gorillas do occasionally eat termites, only certain tribes of chimpanzees use a stick to fish for them. Sabor, the leopard that killed Tarzan's family when he was only an infant, is somehow still alive and dangerous when Tarzan is an adult in his early twenties, despite the fact that leopards don't usually live past their late teens.

There are exceptions, but such an elderly cat would definitely not be so insanely fast and agile. In After Earthhumanity's former homeworld Earth is depicted as having changed dramatically in the thousand years since humans left the planet. Since then, the planet's rainforests have overgrown the continents, the weather changes from warm to ice cold every night, and "everything on this planet has evolved to kill humans".

However, evolution does not work that fast. Biological changes on the scale depicted take millions, not thousands of years, and most plants and animals would have gone extinct trying to adapt to temperatures that fall far below freezing each night.

In the time it would take for animals to change that much, humans would have changed significantly as well. Also, there'd be no reason for the animals to continue evolving abilities to efficiently kill humans since humans don't even live on Earth anymore. The primary predator of the film, the Ursa, is a blind creature that hunts by smelling the pheromones produced by fear. This is not a great feature for a predator; most predators hunt by ambush, since prey goes down faster if it doesn't know you're there.

But if the prey is displaying fear, it likely knows the predator is there and so has a chance to run or fight back, which would only make things more difficult for a fear-smelling hunter. The plot hinges on creating a clone from blood samples to harvest the completely separate lifeform hiding out in the original Ripley's chest.

Furthermore, red blood cells don't even contain DNA though, white blood cells do contain DNA, so that might explain it. Supposedly Aliens bond with their hosts at the genetic level, hence all the weird superpowers Ripley got from the genetic mutations caused by the Alien like the corrosive blood. That doesn't make very much more sense, but hey, it's Alien.

In another '50s B-movie, The Alligator Peoplea physician uses hydrocortisone injections to induce accident victims to regenerate damaged body parts. While cortisones do reduce inflammation swellingand can therefore make injuries feel better, they actually slow down the healing process.

Anacondas don't grow that damn big. The size thing is actually addressed in a sequel. The protagonists go looking for a life-prolonging flower. Its said that Anacondas keep growing until they die, and then they discover that the flower is an essential part of the snake's food chain so it is living longer than it should so its growth never stops, thus giant snake.

While there have been claims of anacondas growing to lengths of 40 to 50 feet some cases such as that of Percy Fawcett report lengths of up to 62 feet going back to colonial times, these claims are unreliable and probably exaggerated. They don't move at the speed of a cheetah in a chase. They can strike that fast, but not chase things that fast, even in water. They don't predominantly prey on humans though it has happenedespecially after encountering life-threatening resistance each time.

They don't eat multiple prey the size of a human being one after the other. After consuming a meal like that which can take hoursthe snake will find a secure location where it will remain immobile for months to digest its food.

And they certainly don't regurgitate their prey just so they can hunt again out of sheer sadism. They sometimes do this for safety purposes, such as when they're threatened by a predator and they can't afford to be lethargic by having such a big meal in their stomach, or if they find their meal is too big to eat. James Cameron 's Avatar has some Taxonomic Term Confusion. My LUNGS are FREEZING!!

How, pray tell, does Joel Schumacher explain their ability to form sounds, much less screamwhen their lungs are freezing? Mice live a very short life — 3 years at the most, but in Cinderella Gus Gus and Jacqueline are shown to have long enough lifespans to witness Cinderella growing up from a little girl to a young woman.

In The Cleaver Family ReunionGrandma Cleaver reveals that she's been white all of these years, but has been taking melatonin to make her look black. Melatonin doesn't work that way The correct term is "melanin". Melanin is what causes pigmentation of skin. Melatonin is a natural sleep aid. Doom has the mutant monsters come from the genetic experimentation of long dead human Martian Precursors. Now, when one of these mutants bites a healthy human, it infects them like a virus.

After his accident, Max says that he has so much radiation in his body that he is probably irradiating people in close proximity. Carlyle makes a similar claim when he worries about having to replace the sheets in the factory medbay, due to Max's skin falling off which doesn't happen from radiation poisoning, neither in reality nor in the movie itself. Both are wrong because radiation can only be emitted by radioactive material; human tissue does not qualify. There's excuses for both, though; Max was trying to intimidate someone and may not even know better, and Carlyle is just a jackass.

In a Final Destination movie, a girl is slowly pulled into the machinery of an escalator. As soon as her feet get crushed, she starts spewing blood all over her boyfriend. No reason for that, really. No digestive or respiratory organs in the feet. However, it is possible that getting her legs crushed between those cogs and gears caused her blood pressure to skyrocket, which would pop blood vessels starting with the very weak ones, such as the capillary bed in the lungs.

Imagine rolling a tube of toothpaste starting from the bottom up. In The Fifth Elementthe head scientist, while referring to the still-a-sample Leeloo, says "I can't wait to meet him. So he either a misled the general for no good reason, b gave Leeloo a Gender Bender for no good reason, or c he's incredibly incompetent and has this job for no good reason To be fair, Leeloo's very DNA is all but unrecognisable to human science, so her gender may be determined by a completely different genetic trait than that of a normal human.

That being said, equating absurd degree of genetic complexity with "perfection" is very much an example of this trope. Similarly, a Syfy remake of The Fly has a man crushed in an open-shafted elevator literally, the elevator "shaft" is a chain fence with no gateit causes his eyes to bulge out while his face turns red, until his head pops and deflates like a whoopie cushion. Where is his skull?

Never mind the weight of an open-air elevator being lowered that slowly wouldn't be enough to cause that much damage, most likely just pressing the lungs until he asphyxiated. Mechagodzilla II in which one of the human characters feeds Baby Godzilla a leaf. This would be fine and dandy, if Godzilla's species wasn't already established to be carnivorous Godzillasaurus looks like a jumbo-sized T.

It's worth noting, though, that omnivory is far from exceptional for theropods; crocodylians and birds both engage in habitual omnivorous behaviour, thus theropods likely did it, too. The American Remake constantly showed Zilla running at a rather high speed. People, there's a very good reason why very large animals IE: Elephants, ApatosaurusTyrannosaurusetc. To put it nicely, if Zilla were to trip while running that fast, he'd splatter all over the pavement when he fell.

In the film, the reason why infrared guided anti-aircraft Sidewinder missiles fired from AH Apaches failed to lock on Zilla is because it's "cold blooded". In our universe, an animal of that size would be at the very least a red-hot bulk homeotherm. This is actually a common mistake - being warm-blooded or cold-blooded does NOT mean your blood is literally warm or cold ; it means your body has or lacks built-in mechanisms of keeping your body temperature at a constant level, independent from the environment - but well, homoiothermy or poikilothermy does not sound that simple.

Once againthe square cube limit on size as usual puts a crimp in giant monster viability in our universe, so we can breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy the movie. In the James Bond film Goldfinger: A Bond girl is asphyxiated by covering her entire body with gold paint. Bond explains that people need at least a small patch of bare skin at the base of the spine to "breathe. It was Dave Barry who remarked on the "remarkable recent discovery that people actually breathe with their lungsand not with their skin after all.

Death would be from heat exhaustion if the paint interfered with perspiration, or exposure to toxins if the paint were unsafe. And it would take a very very very long time. This also overlaps with Science Marches On: At the time the novel was written, "skin asphyxiation" was taken seriously, at least by the public. The studio had a team of doctors on hand while shooting the death scene, and left actress Shirley Eaton's stomach unpainted to make sure she could breathe.

A woman is cut in half at the waist in Hillside Cannibals ; her intestines spill out of her lower half. In The Horror of Party Beacha doctor explains that the monster is actually a dead human whose organs were invaded by aquatic plants before they had the chance to decompose, and calls the result "a giant protozoa. Also, algae are not "aquatic plants". But they're often referred to as aquatic plants, so that one gets a pass as " one character simplifying the truth to explain it more easily ".

Resurgence sees Brakish Okun waking up from a year coma and is able to walk around and talk as if he had just woken up from a nap. After being asleep for that long, his muscles would be suffering from muscle atrophy and would barely be able to talk.

Island City a made-for-TV movie, had the few remaining regular humans living in a small enclave surrounded by animalistic mutants. The mutants were called 'recessives' because the trait was inherited that way. One of the characters was - get this - HALF RECESSIVE, with all the increased strength and toughness but without the bestial aggression and reduced intelligence.

Killer App - TV Tropes

Also, the inhabitants of the city wore colored crystals making their genetic status clear, to prevent the wrong kind of couple forming and producing the wrong kind of offspring. That would be fine, except there were THREE colors should only be 2, carrier or not and people were forbidden from mating with anyone whose crystal was a DIFFERENT color should be, 2 carriers may not mate.

This film and its sequels are infamous for depicting sharks as relentless man-eaters. Great white sharks do not see humans as food due to lack of enough fat to provide them calories and usually usuallynot always attack if provoked, smelled blood, or in a case of mistaken identity. They also need much of their energy to maintain their body temperature. Being opportunists, they will eat most things they can catch, but they don't specifically target people. Jaws 2 has an orca that is mauled to death by the great white shark, and the supposed marine biologist claims that there are far greater marine predators than it, referencing the shark.

In real life, orcas are capable of killing young great white sharks and the only predator besides humans and larger great whites that preys on great whites. There have even been cases of entire populations of great whites fleeing from an area due to orcas preying on one individual. While an adult shark is far too big to be taken out by the orca's M. O flipping it overit is still less than half the size of the mammal, and would not bother attacking an orca.

In general, great whites avoid attacking animals larger than themselves. The Revenge has the shark roaring, which sharks are incapable of due to lacking vocal chords or lungsfor that matter. Jurassic Park contains a few: One character who is supposed to be a paleontologist saying "Dinosaurs and man.

Two species separated by sixty-five million years. There are currently known to have been more than 1, species of dinosaur. Furthermore, most of these species have been extinct far longer than 65 million years and most paleontologists would argue that some dinosaurs live to this day — these dinosaurs are technically known as "birds". Another scene has him holding a baby dinosaur in his hands. Neither of these trained scientists who really ought to know these things picked up on the fact that Velociraptor is the genus name.

This is averted in the book, where the baby is identified as Velociraptor mongoliensis. An early scene has the paleontologists digging up a Velociraptor mongoliensis in the Montana badlands. As the name implies, they lived in Mongolia, and not Montana. The misidentification of Velociraptor was actually due to Science Marches On — the original book based its research on a now debunked palaeontologist who argued that Deinonychus antirrhopus was in fact a species of Velociraptorwhich means what they were digging for in the novel which the film did not correct was a north-American Velociraptor antirrhopus.

Every instance where the book and the film uses Velociraptor is therefore in actuality a reference to Deinonychus antirrhopus. This does not take into account the lack of feathers and an egregious misunderstanding of Deinonychus anatomy, but this could be explained away at least in the book by the knowledge that these aren't "real" dinosaurs but a facsimile created by geneticists working with patchwork DNA and a flawed understanding of the beings they're trying to re-create.

The cheetah speed the actual speed was closer to that of a wolf, or only about half this and chimpanzee intelligence they were very smart, but not that smart can at least be filed under artistic license. The premise of the movie and the book. If the amber-preserved blood was any more than 1 million years old, the DNA would have been irrecoverably decomposed, no matter what it was preserved in.

Cloning extinct species from before 1 million years ago is impossible. Also, if the DNA were available, we have absolutely no idea how to turn that DNA into a viable dinosaur egg. You'd need complete information about how the oviducts of that particular species operated even to get started, and we don't even have any fossils of dinosaur oviducts, let alone a clue as to their gestational duration, average internal temperature, etc.

It's possible Crichton knew, but bent things on purpose. It's probably a good thing we don't know how to make living dinosaurs. That would be like giving 5-year-olds dynamite.

On the other hand, however, species that went extinct due to people, such as mammoths, are perfectly fine. One more for the road: A plan to limit the growth of the dinosaurs by making them dependent on the amino acid Lysine, by taking away their ability to produce it themselves. Any first-year biochemistry student could tell you that Lysine is an essential amino acid, i.

And we make do without it, because we get Lysine from our gut flora or by eating things containing Lysine practically anything made from plant matter, or meat from things that have eaten plant matter, or who have eaten things that have eaten things that have eaten plant- oh, you get the point. The Lysine plan is a great way to limit growth of genetically modified bacteria, who depend on Lysine in the media if they can't make it themselves.

For vertebrates, who obtains it from eating things anyway, it's not. The book at least acknowledges this as an in-universe whopper by InGen's scientists who probably slept through their first-year classesas it turns out it was no hindrance to the Dinosaurs whatsoever. Little Sweetheart almost avoids this, until the last few seconds. Elizabeth has taken a bullet to the arm, a bullet to the gut and then spent at least several minutes face-down in either the Pacific or the Gulf of Mexico.

She's easily being moved by the ocean and she's not moving. A band-aid to the head is all you need! In The MatrixAgent Smith gives a Breaking Speech on how humans are viruses, because they don't instinctively develop an equilibrium with their environment like other mammals and instead breed until they can't support themselves and have to move on.

In reality, mammals do not instinctively do that, and equilibrium is something forced on them thus why mammals who are introduced to a new area can be so destructive at first. And on the other side, there are plenty of viruses that can inhabit a person but not kill them and form their own equilibrium like many of those diseases that never really leave your system but also don't cause major symptoms.

One character arranges Skittles in the air in microgravity in the shape of about ten base pairs and declares it's the genome of his "perfect woman" the human genome contains about 3. Another character eats a couple; apparently it's now the genome of a frog. Easily written off as a joke, until later in the film: Five BP on their own would tell you nothing whatsoever about what you're looking at, not even which kingdom it belonged to, never mind species.

The writers clearly lacked an understanding of genetics. To start with, one of the characters constructs a model of a DNA molecule from supplied spacial coordinates, then Jim is able to look at a very small string of computer-generated DNA, and see that it "looks human". This is impossible, because a you can't tell what species a sequence came from by looking at such a small sample and b spacial coordinates that form a double helix say precisely jack shit about what bases and, by extension, what genes are contained in the DNA sequence.

Then someone mentions sne stock buy or sell missing "the last pair of chromosomes," when the simulation makes it readily apparent it's missing the last pair of bases. To top it all off, the coloring of the bases appear to suggest that a base pair is made up of two identical bases, which is just wrong. The things they do with DNA in that movie are basically like having a character look at a single page worth of ones and zeroes, and say, "That's a Flash game.

A minor case in Mystery Teambut it is somewhat unusual that Jason can bike several miles with one flat tire without showing any signs of fatigue. The African exhibit in Night at the Museum includes an ostrich. Ostriches are African, so no problem, right? Except that the exhibit is how to make a coin pouch on a duct tape wallet and prominently titled "The Hall of African Mammals.

Error or not, this is an actual part of the real museum exhibit. The low-budget monster flick Octopus attributes its giant cephalopod's prodigious appetite for meat to a severe deficiency in iron, such that eating what does a bubble mean in the stock market flesh is all that's staving off its death from anemia.

Mollusk blood uses coppernot iron, as an oxygen-carrier, so if binary options strategy is the probability calculator it should have been chewing on the imperiled submarine's electric wiring, not its crew.

Piranha 3D contains an idea so egregiously stupid that it may very well have been put in just to make the dumbest people in the audience feel smart when they realized that it was impossible. It's like they took The Matrix 's bio-battery lunacy and turned it up to OVER !!!!!! And just to add insult to injury at the end of the movie we find out they've been fighting the babies, which are apparently as big as their full-grown prehistoric ancestors.

So, apparently, this process made them BIGGER. After being killed the scorpion cools down, even though it's cold blooded and should have already been at the same temperature as the surrounding air. Push has the lead character inject soy sauce directly in to his blood stream with no side effect at all. In the low-budget monster flick Razortooththe giant killer eel breathes air and slithers like a snake. It's also calforex calgary downtown to be incapable of metabolizing glucose "like a diabetic": Members of the Satanic cult sacrifice all their children to Satan, except for the firstborn, who are inducted into the cult, to ensure the cult itself can survive.

In reality, myronn trendline trading strategy would need on average two offspring to survive and reproduce per couple just for the population to remain stable.

Even if the cultists recruit outsiders to marry the kids they don't sacrifice, attrition would still wipe them out, as some of each generation are likely to die, fail to reproduce how much money can you get on permanent disability all, or leave the cult.

A whole species consisting of thousands of females and only one male? It's actually not impossible in real life: Blue-Headed Wrasses a how much money does the government make off cigarettes in canada have a reproductive pattern where they live in large schools of females led by a single male.

When the male dies, one of the females actually switches sex and becomes the new male. In the film, though, killing the forexmentor fx scalping results in the extinction of the species — the biological version of No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup — which is why it's listed here.

Alternatively this is an example of Fridge Brilliance. Evolution isn't intelligent and it doesn't plan ahead.

If a species' traits enable it to survive and breed then it survives and breeds - otherwise it goes extinct.

Many species thrived bamboo stock market environments they kentucky tennessee livestock market adapted to then went extinct when that environment changed.

The Dragon species has a single immortal male and that worked brilliantly for the millions? Unfortunately for brokers trade penny stocks, they never evolved to cope with humanity - a species with the intelligence to recognise an Achilles' Heel and the technology to exploit it.

In Resident Evilthe Red Queen explains that zombification works by exploiting the cellular activity that continues after death, supporting the idea by stating that hair and nails continue to grow after death. No, they don'tand considering the fallacy is spoken by a supercomputer that really should know better and is used as the main rationale for including zombies to begin with, this also makes it a Critical Research Failure.

When Major Cain tries to persuade Alice to cooperate with Umbrella in Resident Evil: Apocalypseshe calls herself a freak. You're not mutation, you're evolution! If Alice were to breed and pass on her mutation, then it would be evolution. In the epic Patrick Swayze action film Road Housethere is a sex scene involving Swayze's character, Dalton, and his love interest played by Kelly Lynch that reveals that either Swayze's package is located somewhere in the vicinity of his belly button, or else Mr.

Swayze is a binary options brokers with a deposit of 50, very fortunate man. In the Syfy movie RobocrocCGI sequences show how the film's nanite-infested crocodile has her physiology transformed, bit by bit, into that of Mechanical Lifeforms.

One of the first such scenes shows her red blood cells being converted by the nanites Presumably the writers figured audiences wouldn't recognize blood cells unless they looked like the sort humans have. Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Spider Woman Holmes meets Spiderologist 1 who recommends that Holmes visits Spiderologist 2. Meanwhile, criminal has murdered Spiderologist 2 and is impersonating him. Holmes spots the fraud because the automated binary option signals kingston uses wrong terminology.

Meanwhile Holmes, Spiderologist 1, Spiderologist 2 and Criminal all call spiders "insects". In Showgirlsdoes Kyle MacLachlan's penis exist in the midst of his stomach? A double case of this and Anatomically Impossible Sex. Snakes on a Plane is a horrendous violator of biology, and ignores rules which they mention within the film.

The film is not meant to be serious, it is simply silly fun, and the day is actually saved because one character knows Mortal Kombatbut the biology does not even deserve an "F;" it gets an "Incomplete" because it did not even show up to enough classes to qualify as a full-time student: The snakes are shown as shockingly aggressive, actively pursuing prey, whereas most snakes including those shown in the film are relatively sedentary; the snakes in the film bite repeatedly for no apparent reason, simply killing without eating the people or defending themselves, and then move to attack and kill other people who are neither a threat nor viable prey.

The snakes are described as being so aggressive and violent because they are being stimulated by sexual pheromones, except that snakes are not praying mantids or black widows and do not kill their mates while they have sex. The Burmese python practically growls and flashes fang like an aggressive dog. Then it manages to kill the jerkass in moments, when in reality it would take much longer even ultimas noticias de finanzas forex 2012 the guy had a heart attack almost immediately.

Finally, the python has no problem getting human shoulders down its throat. A real python would need a few moments to unhinge and stretch out its jaw, and then would probably need some time to properly position a meal that wide. Assuming a snake that size about 16 feet could get its head over an adult male's shoulders in the first place; even most potentially man-eating snakes over 20 feet will have trouble consuming a large nintendogs how to make money fast and take hours to do so.

Yes, there were time constraints, but still. At least the work from home 78418 seems to still have been working on its meal when the poor thing got sucked out the window. A biology teacher calls the Bugs "insects" and calls up a holographic image of one which has four legs by definition, insects have six legs.

They're also referred to as "arachnids" throughout the movie. Let alone the fact that they're from the opposite end of the galaxy meaning they are unlikely to be any more closely related to Earth's arthropods than they are to anything else on Earthhave the ability to poop city-destroying plasma accurately over interstellar distances, or the simple square-cube law that would make those giant bugs somewhat crunchy puddles in short order.

One of the many forex trading negatives with the Super Mario Bros. So what single-celled organism did you evolve from?

Tyrannosaurus Rex, the lizard king, thank you very much. Also the fact his immune system didn't attack the whole gang andreas gursky stock market from the start.

The morphing process leaves traces of each absorbed animals DNA in the user, so it would necessitate some change to the immune system. In the first book, there's a mention made of Jake's knees reversing the first time he morphs into a dog. Dogs are digitigrade; presumably the author mistook the dog's ankles for his knees. This mistake allegedly prompted Applegate to start doing better research for the rest of the series. Morphing doesn't always turn body parts into analogous parts.

Early in Artemis FowlHolly Short has a Character Filibuster denouncing sewage treatment as a horrible violation of Mother Earthinspiring Fridge Horror in readers familiar with modern Germ Theory. When the elves are this obviously wrongsomeone should definitely be arguing with them. Thankfully thee filibuster wasn't something the reader was supposed to agree with because, as stated above, you shouldn't but rather a demonstration of Blue and Orange Morality. The fact that elves think putting your restroom indoors is unhygienic was supposed to reinforce this.

In A Series of Unfortunate Events the menacing pair of villains in the tenth book identify eagles as mammals. Lampshade Hanging from the well-read protagonists. In Madeleine L'Engle 's A Swiftly Tilting Planetall of the good and significant descendants of Madoc, the good Welsh prince who sailed to America, went native, and married a Native American woman of a tribe called the Wind People, have deep blue eyes—regardless of their racial background. The evil significant descendants of Madoc's power-hungry brother who intermarried with the warlike People Across The Lake—enemies of the Wind People—and whose descendants intermarried with the native population of Vespugia have either metal-gray eyes or ice-blue eyes.

Because genetics color-codes eyes according to a person's morality. The genes for blue eyes of all sorts are dominant, too. Similarly to the above, in the Point Fantasy book Brog the Stoopit's mentioned that a female "Stoop" vaguely elven creatures with blue skin can only bear one "Stoopling," which would mean every generation is half the size of the previous one, thus leading to extinction pretty quickly.

In The Cannibals Of Candylandthe Candy People apparently evolved through natural mutation their candy physiologies from their cannibalistic ancestors over the course of a few generations to better catch and capture their prey. The absurdity of such a fact is later pointed out by Franklin. The Chemical Garden Trilogy: Men outlive women, which is the reverse of what is biologically inclined to happen. This is especially egregious because the reason for the shortened lifespans is a virus — women, having an extra X chromosome, would have more genetic material to copy from and would therefore be less vulnerable to a virus altering their genome.

The book can't seem to decide if the cause for the Depopulation Bomb is a virus or genetic engineering, which are two very different things. Furthermore, the nice thing about genetic engineering is that it's almost always reversible, since there's always a copy of the original genome floating around somewhere.

It would be easy for the geneticists to reverse the changes after people started dying. Highly oxygenated blood of a normal human is presented as being exceptionally black, while it should appear exceptionally red. Wayne Barlowe does a pretty good job of maintaining consistent and possible alien biologies in Can you really make money selling pure romance Pregnant Daggerwrists are cannibalistic and are executed icici bank forex exchange rates their tribes when their single offspring is born.

If you can't do the math, this means that at least two Daggerwrists adding options to select box using jquery die for every one born.

This could be an in-universe example as well, as the cannibalistic Daggerwrist may have been behaving abnormally, forcing its packmates to kill it and then salvage its offspring rather than wait for it to give birth. The researcher who observed this event came from a failed ecosystem and had no experience with animals' natural behavior, so could've overlooked the incongruity. Likewise, the vampire-like creatures from George R.

Martin 's Fevre Dream seem doomed to slow extinction, as their females give birth to single offspring and always die as a result.

Granted, Martin's vampires are actually aware of this quandary, but that can't explain why their young would evolve the self-destructive habit of clawing their way out of the womb, in the first place. At least the source is clear: In the original FrankensteinVictor worries that if his monster had a female monster to mate with, they would produce monster babies.

That would be fine and dandy if the monsters weren't made from reanimated human flesh, almost guaranteeing them both to be infertile. Even if by some miracle, they were able to conceive, any child of the two of them would in fact be human, biologically descended from whoever the monsters' reproductive organs came from.

Like the Sherlock Holmes example above, this is also actually a case of Science Marches On. The original novel was published twenty years before Schwann and Schielden founded cell theory, and almost fifty years before Pasteur definitively disproved abiogenesis. In fact, the most exciting discovery of the time was the effect of electrostimulation in disembodied muscle tissue, so the story of a creature made from dead human material reanimated by lightning was as grounded in modern science in as literature about sentient computers is today.

However, there is no reference to Victor using lightning; there is a single reference to the "apparatus of life"-the exact method is left unknown.

The lightning comes from the film. Every image of Frankenstein is from the movies. There is no tower, no lightning.

He seems to have created the monster in his apartment and deliberately says he won't reveal his method because someone else might do it. Neither medium explains why he used body parts instead of just reanimating a single dead body that the parts must have come from. Also, he would have avoided using "Abby Normal's" brain. The novel handwaves this by saying Frankenstein selected parts so his creation would be beautiful.

The original novel does not suggest even that Victor made his Creature out of runescape money making guide non members, only that he studied the secrets of life and death by dissecting dead bodies.

The novel's description of the Monster is almost a living sculpture, highly symmetrical and enormous in size, which doesn't indicate at least a direct human source in the raw material. Moreover, his abortive attempt to craft a bride for the creature takes place on a tiny, waterless island several days' sail from civilization: In Goneit is lampshaded when Astrid points out that there is no gene for shooting lasers out of your hands.

Justified, however, when it is revealed that the meteor that carried The Darkness seems to have broken reality. Rowlingsays that " magic is a dominant and resilient gene. You could say that A Wizard Did It it how to trade e-mini s&p 500 options magic, after allbinary options tutorial pdf account a better explanation would perhaps be that magic is recessive and that squibs have mutations that block or repress the make money with jewelcrafting mop gene.

This may be a whole class of subtrope: Both the book and movie of Binary options pro signals europe Stone feature a snake that winks at Harry. Similar to several other examples on this very page regarding single offspring, there is a Dutch book by A.

Humans only live one day in the book and can only have sex once, then their reproductive organs will wither away the woman will get pregnant instantly. Since the humans in that world only get one child, each generation will be half the aberdeen global emerging markets share price of the previous one. Since a new generation only takes a day to grow up and die, humankind would be extinct pretty darn soon.

Hothouse Flower and the 9 Plants of Desire: Orchidaceae are, in actuality, marginally more difficult to care for than graminoids. Berwin greatly miscalculates the value and work from home 78418 of certain plants. Oxalis, for instance, is a relatively common and inexpensive plant. Propagation is significantly more difficult in real life than it is in-universe. In MockingjayKatniss sees Peeta planting evening primrose and the only part she registers at first is rose.

Fortunately the thorny roses Snow leaves and primrose are not even mildly similar to look at, so she realizes her mistake pretty quickly. Mistaking one for the other would be more or less impossible. Played straight and averted in Christopher Paolini 's Inheritance Cycle. At one point, the Big Bad cara bermain binary option soldiers who are immune to pain.

This seems to endow the soldiers with cockroach-like forexpros usd inr advanced chart, with them surviving hideous trauma and being able to move despite cut tendons and broken limbs. One takes dozens of arrows and still has to be beheaded.

In reality, the injuries would kill them despite an immunity to pain. Averted in Inheritancewhere the irradiated Vroengard is full of mutants, suggesting Hollywood nuclear physics, but it is in fact a magical effect.

This might be a homage to the Discworld series, which also frequently draws parallels between magic and radiation. According to his backstory from James and the Quick hustles to make money PeachJames Henry Trotter's parents were eaten alive by an escaped zoo rhinoceros.

In real life, rhinos are herbivores they are the largest extant perissodactyls, i. Fortunately, the film adaptation averted this by changing said rhino from an actual rhinoceros to a large rhinoceros-shaped demon made entirely out of thunderclouds. At what point did Lesbian Land get an aspect of human biology correct? Under any normal biological conditions, entire chapters would culminate in much of the cast dehydrating and succumbing to desiccation. Also, the Voodoo Shark that comes up in the course of handwaving No Periods, Periodand the overall capacity it has to drive geneticists to alcoholism, and Maximum Ride often has shades of this, particularly by abusing the LEGO Genetics trope.

Splicing bird DNA into human DNA isn't exactly easy, and trying to engineer a Winged Humanoid would be far more complicated than taking bird DNA for wings forex expert advisor macd putting them into a human zygote.

There are no genes for bird wings that one can just take and put into another creature. It gets worse when the characters start stock market trading in phoenix az superpowers, some of which were planned by the scientists and others of which mutated randomly. How would they even do that? There are also some little things, flats buy tavistock hawks nesting in large groups and large sharks in less than 5 foot deep water, but the genetics is the big one.

This may be why in the Marvel Comics adaptation, the Flock are cyborgs rather than bird-human hybrids. In The Girl Who Played With FireRonald Trec release of earnest money is a 6'6" musclebound blonde giant, who has a disease which renders him unable to feel pain.

The book even mentions that most people who have this disease die at a young age, but then hand waves it away by implying binary options pro signals europe just too tough to die.

This is not how it works. Normal life is dangerous enough for people with this affliction, but this character was an amateur boxer forex hd wallpapers gets in several fistfights over the course of the book. One untreated injury could conceivably kill him, most notably when he takes a full-strength punch to the kidneys from a pro boxer. But even before that, the kind of muscular frame he has cannot be maintained without weight training, which would be catastrophic without pain sensors to determine one's limits.

Problem is, it kills everyone because the revolutionary new method used to purify it damages the capsid. This should only affect the first generation of the virus, which certainly shouldn't cause lethal brain swelling on its own. All progeny virions would be produced from the viral RNA and left unpurifiedmaking them more or less what they were designed to be.

In Prince CaspianReepicheep the talking mouse has lost his tail in battle, and he argues with Aslan over whether it needs to be regrown. Both of them seem to think a mouse's tail has no practical value, and is of use only as a badge of honor or vanity, but the tails of mice and rats are actually important thermoregulatory structures, without which he'd be quite vulnerable to heat stroke.

This is touched on in the movie adaptation: It's also good for balance, and climbing Forex rates at sbi may be an astronomer to the bone, but even elementary physics would tell him the energy economy can't work.

Mariel of Redwallof the Redwall series, mentions Gabool the Docmd.sendobject outputformat options having gold replacements for his canine teeth.

Sadly, he is a rat, and rats do not have canine teeth to begin with. Judging by the illustrations of Gabool, the author may have meant his incisors. Moon Rising has an in-universe example. The dragonet Winter is perplexed by his pet's refusal to eat meat, saying that if he's hungry enough, he should eat anything. He doesn't realize that some animals cannot digest meat at all.

In the Replica series of YA novels, the bad guys repeatedly try to get hold of Amy's super-DNA by cutting her hair and fingernails. The installment where her DNA reverted to "normal" after getting her ears pierced For Arthur Conan Doyleat the time the Sherlock Holmes stories were written, legitimate scientists were speculating that some things might be theoretically possible, so it's more of a case of Science Marches On.

In "The Creeping Man", the eponymous character "devolves" into an ape by shooting up with monkey blood, or brain juice, or something. It is instead claimed that the character has been driven mad by the adverse effects of the hormones so that he thinks he is a monkey. In "The Speckled Band", the villain controls a snake by whistling, which a snake would be unable to hear.

This one was lampshaded in a Russian miniseries. Watson points out that the snake couldn't possibly hear its master's call. Holmes replies that the villain wasn't sure in his method either, and so also tapped his cane on the floor.

The man also tempts the snake with milk a common misconception. Holmes calls it "a swamp adder, the deadliest snake in India", a name which does not correspond to any species with the snake's characteristics. In the same story, a man who collects Indian wildlife is said to have a pet cheetah and pet baboon. While cheetahs hadn't yet been driven to extinction in India in Doyle's day, baboons come from Africa: Speaker happy aquarium how to make money the Dead: Microbiology and crop cultivation are two overlapping fields but have vastly different implications.

Justified by Xenobiologists being extreme Omnidisciplinary Scientist types. Michael Crichton 's novel Sphere has quite a few. The squid might get a pass for being an alien manifestation, although the biologist should know better than to believe that a normal squid could tear a metal structure to pieces.

More flagrantly and not given a pass by the Rule of Coolsame biologist sees a seasnake and finds it perfectly normal to see one 1, ft down in near total darkness, AND makes a completely ludicrous evolutionary argument that marine organisms have more potent venoms because it's had longer to evolve implying that land life arose separately rather than as an extension of marine life?

The whole discussion can be eliminated from the book with no negative impact yet it stands as a short Author Tract. The explanations given for the operation of the superflu virus are sketchy at best, and it seems highly unlikely that the disease would have resulted in such massive destruction. Among other things, a plague is deadliest if it has a long incubation period, giving it maximum lead time in which to spread before the victim becomes too sick to move around.

Still, there aren't any obvious screw ups Up until this point, the superflu had been a binary proposition: Either you got it and died, or you didn't get it. At the end, however, a baby born esignal trading strategies one immune and one non-immune parent gets the superflu and then recovers; which leads the thoughtful nintendogs how to make money fast to ask, what happened to the children of immune and non-immune parents born before the flu?

As a bonus, the explanation given for how the baby recovered is a load of crap. The explanation for why the baby recovers and the children of immunes and non-immunes don't before the plague seems implicitly to be that the babies not born until after the plague have acquired protection from the plague by being in their immune mothers' uteruses at the time of the plague; those born before the plague are no longer connected to the mother and thus don't have the ability to catch it and recover.

In 'Salem's Lot Dr. Cody, who is not depicted as an ignorant quack but an at least semi-competent professional, says, "Why should your head hurt? Your brain doesn't have any nerves. He means that your brain doesn't have nociceptorswhich is true, but doctors universally knew very long before the book was written that there are all sorts of reasons why your head still hurts.

For example, while the gray matter itself doesn't feel pain the blood vessels that run through the brain do. Ice cream headache is one example of this type: Also, sinuses can cause headaches, as can the inner scalp. Options futures and other derivatives hull ebook often it's the back of the eyes which are less round and go further back into the skull than they look from the outside hurting due to eye strain or what not.

The skull can feel pain too, but probably only if you've suffered serious cranial damage. No one with an M. In the Star Trek: New Frontier book Stone and Anvilit is explained that Mark McHenry gets his abilities because he is descended from Apollo and Carolyn Palamas.

No one else in the line has these abilities because the godhead is carried on the Y chromosome, and all their descendants prior to Mark are female.

Females have only X chromosomes, and there's no explanation where Apollo's Y chromosome was hiding out for the intervening century. Realistically, a lot of the dogs would have a tougher time surviving than the wild than depicted. Sweet, for example, is a Greyhound. They're known for getting injured very easily and getting cold very easily, due to the low amount of fat on their bodies.

Sweet still fares perfectly well in the cold environment and is powerful enough to become an Alpha. Dogs are depicted as monogamous, unlike real dogs.

Young foxes are referred to as "cubs". The proper term 2016 how to make money on runescape p2p "kits". Dogs follow the outdated pack hierarchy system. Alphas are the leaders, betas are the second-in command, omegas are the lowest of the caste, everything is decided with fighting, etc. This system has is considered inaccurate to how wolf packs actually work.

Feral dogs often times don't even form concrete packs like wolves do. The biology artistic license comes about because her period makes her piss blood.

Enough to flood three parade grounds in fact. One of the books in the Through Wolfs Eyes series by Jane Lindskold featured conjoined fraternal twins, a boy and girl who had been attached at the hand. This easy forex hebrew completely impossible any way you look at it, as conjoined twins are the result of identical twins whose egg failed to split properly; fraternal twins, who are conceived barclays stockbrokers review two different eggs, cold never end up attached to each other.

Vampires are stated to freak out when they smell human blood. When Bella gets a freaking papercutit's like throwing a hunk of meat into a shark tank. So, why don't vampires freak out when a girl is menstruating? Considering the fact that sexual desire requires blood flow, there's no way vampires could have sex or sexual desire the way it's portrayed many times in the novels. Meyer says that venom serves the function of blood, but without a heartbeat? Vampires don't have any blood in their tissues, so Edward shouldn't be able to get an erection in the first place.

Also, Meyer has said that Vampires' cells don't divide, but sperm is created by a type of mitosis called meiosis, which means that Vampire men shouldn't be able to get women pregnant repeatedly a la Nahuel's father.

Meyer stated that the reason female vampires can't get pregnant is because when you become a vampire your body can't change. That goes for male and female Male and females reproductive organs have to be able to 'change' in order to have sex and I doubt every single vampire was turned when they were having sex or aroused.

Ironically this ought to be Fridge Logic that vampires never actually have sex and only use the pretense of it to lure in their human preyseeing as how sex itself is obsolete to them as a species they don't reproduce sexually after all and they have no logical or biological reason to want to engage in the act.

Vampire venom at one point was stated to replace all fluids in the body which is why it turns into a sparkly rock like substance. If you follow that logic, his semen should have been replaced. So the first time they had sex and he orgasmed Also, Vampires somehow gain two extra pairs of chromosomes after they change.

And logically, gametes have 25 chromosomes, which with 23 of normal gamete makes All human genes are in normal quantity and vampire genes seem to work in some range of quantity. One can infer that organism can function better or worse with zero, one or two copies of both vampire chromosomes, like with 1-n X, 0-n Y all the X, XXX, XXXX, XXY, XYY Synthetic stock for cz 452 varmint also gain one extra pair of chromosomes.

And Renesmee has one extra pair of chromosomes. Yeah, what is a profit method binary options she should have two unpaired chromosomes doesn't matter.

In fact, all of Breaking Dawn has no clue at all when it comes to genetics. The reason any species that engages in sex has a sexdrive is to ensure reproduction. Vampires don't reproduce through such means, thus sex is meaningless to them and they would have no sexdrive whatsoever.

Which actually makes sense if combined with the bit about their bodies being unable to change - they should neither be able to, nor want to, have sex. Smeyer has made it known that she is oblivious to how the eye functions, and how she lacks any knowledge of the color spectrum. Bella sees rainbows around each source of light.

We humans can experience the same using micro prism films, those glasses that make every light have a little image over them, or going around with the new 3D movie glasses. That's why she's so clumsy? In one John M. Ford short story, a research lab comes up with a drug called Argent 7 which gives the user superpowers. One user gives himself vision extending into the ultraviolet, by extending his retinas' sensitivity into that region.

The problem with this is that human retinas are already naturally sensitive to UV — what prevents us seeing in UV is that the cornea filters it out. In Real Lifethere have reportedly been experiments in which spy volunteers were given transplanted plastic corneas in order to be able to see into the ultraviolet. Adult warriors can become From Stray to Pet if they wish to, though it's deeply looked down upon and they're seen as traitors to their Anatomy of global stock market crashes. In real life, most feral cats as in, they were born and raised on the streets with little-to-no human contact cannot be homed after kittenhood.

This is why Trap-and-Release programs release the cats after spaying and neutering them, instead of trying to find them owners. Forex club greece cats are portrayed as sluggish and fat.

This is a reason why cats fear humans. Learning about neutering helps persuade Rusty to run away work from home jobs stevens point wi ThunderClan.

This is an old myth. Cats, or dogs for that matter, don't become less active due to being spayed or neutered.

Cats are portrayed as monogamous animals that mate for life. In real life, cats are anything but monogamous.

Cats are depicted as diurnal. They rarely hunt at night and don't have very good eyesight at night either. While cats are not completely nocturnal, they are known to be active as night as long as they have some light.

Cats in Warriors also rarely hunt in trees, unlike real cats. Warriors is pretty bad with genetics and cat colours. A lot of characters have colourings that are implausible or impossible for them considering their parentage. Cat pregnancies are depicted as longer than they actually are. The average life expectancy for a feral cat is only a few years. While the series has a very high death tollmost cats live longer than that by several years.

It's likely a pragmatic decision as it wouldn't be that interesting if cats died after only being a few dozen moons old. In World War Zthe organ-smuggler claims that a transplanted heart from an infected donor would convey infection faster than an infected liver or kidney, because it has "direct access" to the cardiovascular system. While the heart does propel blood, it doesn't interact with the vast majority of blood that moves through its chambers; the liver and kidneys, which constantly add and remove substances from the bloodstream, would probably spread a viral infection much quicker than the largely-impermeable lining of the heart's chambers.

Although it is rare, the man could have been cis-AB and had an O child. In Season 5 of Angel there is a scene in which someone looks into a microscope and tells Fred he can see that the disease-causing agent is a retrovirus.

Not only would he be unable to see something this small without an electron microscope, but there is no easy way to tell by looking whether it is a retrovirus or not. Hypothetically, if examination of symptoms had narrowed down the potential diagnoses to either a known retrovirus or a known bacterial infection, then a differential white cell count could determine which of the two was involved. But that's not what happened in this example. Animal Planet really, really should know better An episode of Animal Planet 's: The Most Extreme was about modern day animals and their ancient ancestors.

If the producers of the forex uzdarbis had done even five minutes of research on the Internet or even just read a current book on dinosaursthey would've realized that Komodo dragons and the Tyrannosaurus rex aren't even closely related to one another. A more true ancestor for the Komodo dragon would be the ancient Mosasaurs sea-dwelling reptiles that lived around the same time as divorce et stock options dinosaurs.

As a lead-in to some trivia about prairie dogs, the narrator of 50 Outrageous Animal Facts speaks of how mammals can sometimes be found in large groups. As he talks, shots of animal crowds appear on screen, including a beachful of ludacris money maker lyrics video, a lyrics for moneymaker full of wildebeest, and Forex varsity fees groups of mammalsright Battlestar Galactica In season 2, episode 13, the supposed genius Dr.

Therefore it is somehow capable of destroying a cancer in a very late stage. Furthermore, cancer cells or any other animal cell type aren't cultivated in a petri dish and on agar, as it is shown on the pictures Dr. Baltar has, but are instead cultivated in cultivation flasks in a fluid. Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory. When he is unable to learn to drive on a driving simulation without crashing into a pet store or ending up on the second floor of a buildinghe claims that because he is the next stage in evolution of humanityciting his small incisors and his massive brain, he does not need to learn how to drive, because the task is beneath him.

Evolution does not work that way! Sheldon Cooper is also egotistical and occasionally delusionally convinced of his own superiority. He has been known to occasionally ignore various scientific principles in order to win arguments, particularly when it comes to superhero physics.

Given that humanity is still sole trader stock exchange, every generation is a new stage. Sheldon's only mistake is that he overexaggerates his own significance in the process. He is missing the point of natural selection. Because of his psychological quirks and self-centeredness, his "fitness" level currently appears to be very low moreover he has a very low interest in finding a mate in the first place, much less conceiving and raising a child.

Unless his attitude changes completely, he is going to be naturally selected against, and not pass on his genes. Evolution favors those who have multiple children. Though option trading slippage, it was just an excuse for not being able to automatic forex trading to drive, rather than him making a definitive statement about his evolutionary significance.

Bones In the episode "The Dwarf in the Dirt," Dr. Brennan tells Sweets the chunk of brain Booth is 5 minute chart forex would in no way mess with his aim because it was taken from his Frontal and Parietal lobes which according to her only deal with memory.

She brokerage charges for options in sharekhan states that only the Occipital lobe sight and Cerebellum coordinated movement have anything to do with aiming a gun.

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The part of the Frontal lobe closest to the Parietal lobe is called the "Motor Cortex" and, oddly enough, is in charge of motor control. The Parietal lobe which is a major part of spatial relations has a part next to the Options trading trader travis Cortex called the "Sensory Cortex" which, you guessed it, is about feeling ones body. Moving, feeling and spatial relations have nothing to do with aiming a gun The frontal and parietal lobes are the largest two lobes of the brain, so it depends on which parts were taken.

But the motor cortex and sensory cortex are right beside each other, straddling the border between the lobes, so it's hard to imagine how a single piece could be removed that incorporates both lobes and not involve the motor and sensory cortices in which case Booth would earn to die money hack iphone troubles far more than just aiming a gun - he'd be liable to axis bank forex rates calculator paralyzed on one side of his body in at least one limb.

Also, the part of the brain most involved in memory is the Temporal lobe. And in a later episode they show an MRI scan of Booth's brain, and the missing part is most definitely not anywhere near the frontal or parietal lobes.

In a minor example, one episode starts with a human falling to his death and landing in a field of cows. The witnessing cows just stand there placidly, and politely keep their distance from the investigators.

Real cows tend to be curious, so would gather to see what was going on. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: First, it's highly unlikely that all three dead cheerleaders would have had the same blood type and been compatible enough for their parts to be grafted together. Second, there's no way any of their cells would have still been living by the time the bodies were recovered and used.

Third, no one seems to recall that heads can't be transplanted without severing the spinal cord and resulting in complete paralysis.

It's hard to imagine that's what the re-animated dead kid had in mind when he wanted a girl built for him. This trope is occasionally lampshaded in the scripts.

A line in the script for "Some assembly required" written by Ty King describing a medical drawing reads, "it's of a woman's body, with muscles, joints, all kinds of equations and science type stuff English major much?

Joss Whedon's script for "Graduation day, part one" has the stage directions "swabbing blood off the tip and putting it on a slide. That sounds real sciencey! Did I mention I was an English major? On one episode of Charmed two characters performing an autopsy in the coroner's office both appear to believe that a woman with "high levels of testosterone" in her bloodstream is a biological anomaly, rather than a statistical outlier.

How's that even possible? An enemy agent injects herself with a sizable amount of ricin so that she will not talk. That's all well and good, as ricin has no antidote She died instantly cyanide is a better idea. On the third episode of Season 3, a foreign leader requires a blood transfusion and has AB- blood type.

Captain Awesome is trying to find someone with AB- blood type; even though people with AB bloodtype can receive A, B, AB, and O blood types as long as they are negative.

AB- people can also receive red blood cells from all other blood types, however if it was a whole blood transplant, as would happen in an emergency, the sera which contains antibodies could cause major problems if not also from an AB- donor, as it would "attack" and cause an immune reaction against the recipient's own cells.

In The Tag for an episode of Community Abed, Troy and a character played by Betty White rap the biological classification of human beings with a remixed "Africa". While the song is an Ear Worm there are two minor mistakes when the last 's' is dropped from Primates and Sapiens.

In the CSI episode "Crash and Burn," the suspect says, "I have to feed my fish. Clown loaches, tetras, angelfish There are, however, no clown loaches - probably because they're best kept in groups of 5 or more, in tanks over gallons, which the tank in the episode definitely was not. On an episode of CSI: NYa laboratory mouse is used to demonstrate how an apparently dead victim had been put into an experimental state of hibernation. The mouse is hooked up to a heart monitor, which can be heard slowing as it enters hibernation and then speeding up as it revives A mouse with a human's heart rate would have to be in hibernation just to be alive.

Something similar to Chuck occurs in the first season of Dexterwhen Dexter has a flashback to being sick enough that he needed blood. He apparently has an extremely rare blood type that meant donor blood was in short supply, and they had to find a close biological relative of his to donate. While this is the rarest blood type, it's also compatible with any other type of blood, as long as that blood is also negative, to the point that AB people are referred to as "universal recipients".

That said, there are extremely rare blood types Doctor Who has many, many, many examples shown over the years. Some of these could be handwaved in one of three ways: The classic episode " The Invisible Enemy " beggars description.

The Big Bad is a prawn-shaped space virus which spawns How did the Doctor cure these poor souls? Why, he doused himself in ten or so intravenous solutions designed to cure the diseases, then transmitted the cure by touch. One of these diseases, called "petrifold regression", turns you into stone. In " Daleks in Manhattan ", the Daleks are using a giant lightning rod to power their genetic experiments.

The Doctor mixes his own DNA into the results by hugging the lightning rod as it's struck by lighting. DNA is conducted by electricity now? In " The Lazarus Experiment ", the weird scorpion monster that Professor Lazarus transforms into is said to be an evolutionary possibility that humanity rejected long ago but has remained locked in the genes, or something along those lines. Halpen constantly downing hair tonic which turns out to be Ood-secretions that TURN HIM INTO AN OOD. Complete with the external forebrain, which can apparently break through the hard palate to come out his mouth.

In " The Hungry Earth " while explaining that the Silurians aren't aliens, he calls them 'Homo Reptilians', which implies that reptillian aliens are the same genus as mammalian humans, which is impossible in Real Life.

In " Time Heist ", the Teller's ability to reduce its victims brains to soup somehow also caves in their skulls, the bone going from a nice convex dome to a concave section where the forehead and front half of the top should be. It makes the victims actually look like their heads are empty, and is all the more horrifying for it.

Not only would this make eating and web production very difficult, not only is it outright impossiblebut the Doctor apparently cannot pronounce "prokaryotic". Throw in the spiders being instantly killed by a spray of disinfectant, the Moon being an egg that somehow gains mass, and the hatched Moonling instantly laying another moon-sized egg exactly where it was before, and the show hit a new low for biological and scientific plausibility Eleventh Hour likes to screw up cloning at least the clones are born as infants and not carbon-copy adults with complete memories.

In the first episode, Jacob Hood insists that cloned pregnancies are more dangerous to the mother carrying the clone and that you need the "real scientist" at the birth, when in fact a cloned infant poses no more threat to the mother than an in vitro pregnancy, which is scarcely more risky than a natural one and in fact the mother's health is only in jeopardy if her own body is incapable of carrying a pregnancy; if the baby is unhealthy it will simply miscarry. Then in a later episode, he makes the claim that clones are born genetically the same age as the original that they were copied from so even though they look like babies, their genes are actually adult or even geriatricstating that the telomeres which break off each time a cell replicates are severely shortened.

However, scientific research measuring telomere lengths has proved this to be false; the developing embryo somehow "knows" how long its telomeres should be and resets them to this length with the enzyme telomerase. Rachel is pregnant for at least fifteen months, being already pregnant at Chandler and Monica's wedding May 15th and going on maternity leave in August the next year. Not to mention the episode with Emma's first birthday party airing in the fall.

Despite many season premieres taking place within minutes or even seconds of the previous season finale, hair has somehow managed to grow several inches. That's why they don't film entire scenes before the season is over.

That way, the audience has a summer to "forget" what the characters looked like and will accept the changes with little fuss. Ironically enough they also lampshade plot devices like this through Joey's work on Days Of Our Lives: Later, he somehow reverts back to his old character Drake Ramoret when his body rejects the brain. In an episode of Fringethe Monster of the Week is a fast-moving, foot-long slug that turns out to be an engineered cold virus.

Walter attempts to Handwave this by stating that it isn't entirely unprecedented since large ostrich eggs are single cells. Except viruses aren't cells.

Cold viruses are strands of genomic DNA contained inside of a protein coat, and entirely unable to move under their own power. Saying that it was a "giant" cold virus makes as much sense as a "giant" hemoglobin molecule. We're told that the Targaryens often married brother and sister to keep their bloodline pure over their year reign, with an inference that they'd been doing it prior to Aegon's conquest, as well.

In reality, severe mental and physical debilitation would result from this level of inbreeding Charles II of Spain is a good historical example of the result. Instead, the Targaryens are physically flawless and only suffer from occasional instances of madness. It's implied that there's more than a little magic in their bloodline, which might be a mitigating factor.

Without testicles secreting testosterone, the muscular development shown by some Unsullied borders on unnatural. The many foramina in the human skull would make it very impractical to use as a container for wine the way Karl does in "Oathkeeper".

This is seen frequently in Helixin spite of the attempt to ground Plague Zombies in epidemiology, using fictional CDC employees. The CDC team accepts injected RFID chips from a shared device.

This is risky, considering that this could be a method of transmission of The Virusand they don't know who are asymptomatic carriers, including the device's handler. Arctic Biosystems designer lab rats, who lack sex organs so they're more docile, are a solution in search of a problem, since lab rats are already docile, and removing sex organs removes both avenues of study effects on reproduction, etc and ability to compare or extrapolate from research on non-customized rats.

Less than a day is insufficient time to determine, via rat observation, if The Virus is airborne. Even if true this shouldn't be cause to remove a Hazmat Suitas it could be absorbed through the skin, and bodily fluids can aerosolize.

Mutagens are, in and of themselves, not so disturbing to work with as Julia and Hatake say. They're used in cell biology. Alan is frightened that an infected Peter will be killed by halothane gas, and wants him alive because he may have developed antibodies which takes five days, while Peter's had The Virus for three. Viruses are not typically searched for by shape, and when Julia says she's searched for all of them, " even isocahedrons" she's treating the most common shape as though it were unexpected.

The Zeiss phase-contrast microscopes depicted can't produce such animated images, much less show a virus that's smaller than usual. They'd need electron microscopes to see such small objects. In "Vector," Julia says rabies "doesn't include a compulsion to spread the disease" but that's exactly how rabies works. This error is odd since Peter's first symptoms are a supernatural exaggeration of rabies.

His frightened refusal of water mirrors its hydrophobia, and the neck pulsations evoke the painful throat spasms that happen after those with rabies try drinking. Isolation and safety protocols are more talked about in the abstract then abided by. Isolation facilities should be larger and more secure given Arctic Biosystems extensive work with pathogens.

Bryce is correct that he and Sulemani should be separated from the sicker Haven, since late stage infectees are super strong and violent. In "" Daniel is likewise correct when he thinks now-symptomatic Sulemani and Bryce should stay isolated from the asymptomatic in quarantine, and Alan's failure to account for this violence results in Bryce and Sulemani's deaths. By the same token, the switch, over the course of three days, from Hazmat Suit to face shield for interacting with infected is unwise, given that, in "" its easy for a Vector to slip one off mid-assault, and one strain is known to be hemorrhagic and lethal.

Even face shields aren't employed consistently. In "" That the rapid response test wouldn't work is almost a Foregone Conclusiongiven that Sarah sampled too few people to be assured of its efficacy, even given a limited population and time frame to work with. In one episode, the title character triumphantly demonstrates a tick that was causing the Case Of The Week; in a close-up, one can clearly see it has six legs, as every insect does In-universe, with this exchange: Do girls have bladders?

Dem Bones song found here warning for sound " In the children's song "I'm Being Eaten By A Boa Constrictor", the snake swallows its prey feet-first. This is backwards from how snakes normally feed granted, doing it the right way around would make for a much shorter song Another problem with the song is that boas kill their prey before they start to swallow it.

The otherwise, accurate They Might Be Giants song, "Mammal", which explains the common traits of various mammals, as well as lists several different examples Trilobites were invertebrates, they did not have spinal cords. Back in Stampede Wrestling, the Dynamite Kida Heelwas feuding with Davey Boy Smith. Dynamite took a rather, to put it mildly, unique approach to generating heat for the feud. The unscientific part was Dynamite saying that Davey being a test tube baby meant that he wasn't human and that he should "go back to Jupiter or Mars.

White Wolf 's Aeon Trinity contains the following gem: Nobody ever finds a tiefling hiding unknown in their family tree; oh no, if your great-grandfather is a tiefling so is everyone descended from him.

Apparently when devils are involved, Mendel's laws are more like suggestions. Depending on the sourcebook, some tried to correct it to "half-demon for a few generations, tiefling for a few generations, human eligible for Demon Bloodline feats", judging by the various sourcebooks on the subject and depending on who you mate with. As of 4th edition, thought, tieflings are back to having supernaturally tainted bloodrather than a genetic condition; the first tieflings were the result of normal humans undergoing an infernal ritual, rather than interbreeding with demons.

The Brimstone Angels novel series offers a further clarification for the Forgotten Realms setting; thanks to a powerful ritual, all tieflings are, spiritually, considered descendants of Asmodeus regardless of their actual lineage. Since Asmodeus is a god, his power is just that virulent and natural laws really are just guidelines as far as he's concerned. That said, tieflings with a lot of human blood are still depicted as being somewhat more human looking than those who are closer to the fiendish end of the family tree.

One of the Mystara setting's supplements featured a former underground empire of gnomes, now abandoned and infested with kobolds, various dungeon vermin, and wild herds of fungus-grazing mules. The mules were supposedly the feral descendents of the gnomes' mule beasts of burden. Fungal enemies, such as the shrieker or violet fungus, are generally listed as belonging to the Plant type. The rules for creatures that can Swallow Whole say that if a swallowed opponent manages to cut their way out of the stomach, "muscular action" will force the hole shut behind them.

Of course muscles don't work like that, but the rule was instituted as an Obvious Rule Patch to keep the creature from becoming little more than a really macabre water slide. FATAL allows for completely out-of-whack character biology. Would you like to have nipples the size of your head and an anus with negative circumference?

Equally silly is being able to hit a very specific internal organ AND NOTHING ELSE on the enemy; to quote one of the more infamous reviews: Jack's sword cleaved through the cultist's chest, cleaving through the nipple, the xiphoid process - the lowest part of the sternum - and the shoulder blade.

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The cultist's blade only caused damage to Jack's appendix and his adrenal gland, somehow missing everything else in front of and in back of Jack's adrenal gland and appendix.

Occurs sometimes in the Beanie Babies plush toy line: A weasel-like Beanie named Runner has mustelidae officially listed as its species. The poem suggests that it could be "a ferret, mongoose, weasel or mink. This research lapse may have something to do with the " mean poem " that the toy was originally released with itself a Crowning Moment of Funny for the franchisewhich identified it as a mongoose.

Seaweed the Otter is depicted with seaweed in her paws, as if she were eating it. Sea otters eat largely eat marine invertebrates and fish. While sea otters do sometimes wrap themselves in sea weed, the purpose is to anchor themselves while they sleep. According the Greg Farshtey, the Makuta "evolved" into antidermis. However, if the Makuta were originally meant and specifically engineered by the Great Beings so that this would happen, this would make it simple metamorphosis.

Greg Farshtey has addressed his use of the term "evolution. In the story's final days, it was revealed that dead beings are send to the Red Star for healing and repairs, but a malfunction kept them from returning. Bratz has "'Lil Angelz" veterinarian toys, including pets who get sick. You take their temperature orally. That's passable, for a children's toy, but the animals' temperatures are at normal human temperatures - as opposed to their actual regular temperatures.

FurReal Friends has a line of baby animal animatrons that you feed fake milk. Unfortunately, that line contains a duck and a parrot. When did baby birds start drinking milk? The Dark DescentWhen Daniel has to quoting TV Tropes here"drill a hole in the head of a corpse, [sic] insert a copper tube into the hole, and stick yourself on the needle to give yourself an injection of a vaccine. Somewhat justified since the game takes place in Blood groups weren't starting to be identified until How blood-borne pathogens work and the intricacies of vaccinations was also not as well understood at the time.

Mister Torgue's Campaign of CarnageBig Bad Piston mocks the Vault Hunter throughout the main story missions. At one point, he claims to have less than one percent body fat and thirteen pecs, which earlier laughed at the Vault Hunter. Diddy Kong is often called a chimpanzee and, in some instances, referred to as Donkey Kong's nepheweven though he has a tail.

Cranky Kong is explicitly the original DK. He was a gorilla then. He's currently somewhere between Chimp and Baboon, with a demonstrably different bone structure, body shape, set of limb proportions, and cranial shape. Miniature Senior Citizens as applied to non-human primates? An IGN article identifies Diddy Kong who, again, has a tail as an "ape", and then goes on to say that Lanky Kong is "not an ape, but an orangutan".

Orangutans really are apes. The final mission of Hitman 's Season One brings you to the most advanced hospital in the world, where one of 47's targets, a person who suffers the condition Situs Inversus Mirrored organsis about to have a heart transplant.

In practice, however, patients suffering from Situs Inversus can receive non-mirrored organ transplants. The operation is a lot more complicated but, again, we're talking of the most advanced hospital in the world Ironically, an Edutainment game — though, thankfully, it wasn't one that teaches biology. Jump Start Spelling features some cavemen mistaken Edison Firefly for fire. And yes, his abdomen gives off heat. The whole business where the Les Enfants Terribles twins were created as double-dominant and double-recessive for absolutely no reason other than to give Liquid Snake something to obsess over.

And no, you can't be a homozygous recessive individual because the term is meaningless outside a breeding population. Even if he could have all of Big Boss' recessive genes, there is nothing about this that would make him inferior. Really, this troper learned in fifth grade that a gene being recessive simply means it will be overridden by a gene that is dominant to it, which is not the same as saying the dominant gene is better.

There's also the part where Liquid grossly misapplies Asymmetry Theory. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain even reveals that he failed Biology as a subject, despite supposedly having an IQ of Then there's the guy whose body carries a charge of 10 million volts, the man who can't decide if his pet internal beehive is full of bees or hornets Deadly poisonous Zanzibar hamsters. In Metal Slug 3Dthere's a scene when Rumi tells Marco that carbon dating estimated that an alien ruin Marco was exploring was 8 billion years old.

Even bypassing Ragnarok-Proofingcarbon dating will only work on artifacts less than 60, years or so old. Other methods of testing radioactive decay are necessary for something far older.

The alien ruins are well on their way to being twice as old as the Earth 4. Apples in Minecraft are harvested from oak trees.

This is, admittedly, because they started as plain oak trees that didn't have any fruit, and the apple drop was added later, but you'd think Mojang could have at least renamed them. Monster Hunter features a ridiculous number of monsters; some of which, admittedly, could have existed on this or some other planet.

Many of them, however, cause Capcom to adhere to this trope - the world on which the game takes place presumably has similar atmospheric conditions and gravity, and yet Mortal Kombat is very guilty of this, especially in the 3D games: Rip out a brain, the body is still standing AND feeling pain; rip out a skull, and the head still has shape; rip out your own tibias, and you're still standing; sever someone's head, and the body is still standing; the list goes on Lampshaded in Mortal Kombat 3where certain Fatalities could cause several of the same thing to get ripped out, including multiple hearts, rib cages, and skulls.

Also, most often these were ripped out through the chest. Yes, even the skulls NetHack variant Slash Em Extended has goats and other mammals that lay eggs. This means several dogs have fake fur colours, such as Malteses with spots.

Deliberately invoked for horror in Outlast: Eddie Gluskin, a psychotic Serial Killer even before his Mind Rape in the illegal underground lab below the Asylum, is fixated on finding himself a perfect bride. Needless to say, it does not work that way, but he's so demented that he refuses to accept that he's doomed to fail. The species should have either died out or have rapidly dwindling numbers at this point.

However, worth noting is that when breeding Cubones, you can get as many of them as you want from one mother, and they will all already have skull helmets. These suggest that this Pokedex "fact" is either not true or has since been retconned. The Pokedex also states that Vaporeon's "cell composition is similar to water molecules. As a result, it can melt away into water. Even if we assume this to be a mistranslation that should read something like 'its cells are composed mostly of water', then we and everything else alive could too.

A rare example of simple mistakes than mismanagement of biological knowledge. In some cases random glitches or hacks allow you to ride other animals that are often used for hunting challenges.

However, they still gallop and neigh like horses as well as floating inches off the ground - including the elkwolfgrizzly bearcougardeerbobcatdogand a jack-rabbit. Others were more intentional. For example pumas don't sound like jaguars. In fact they don't roar at all, but growl, hiss and make snarly near-human screams. Where to even begin? Viruses that jump species like they're on a trampoline, a single strain that triggers all kinds of mutations depending on the host, people that explode into building-sized masses of limbs and tentacles in seconds, giant arthropods who somehow don't suffocate to death, a modified gene that kills weaker cells "through natural selection" to somehow empower the carrier, mind-controlling parasites with a caste system, monsters with biological machine guns and chainsaws, and all of this is tied back to a rare flower that produces a gene-altering virus, but only if it's in a very specific location in Africa.

While there are ways to theoretically kill someone if you interface with their brain, the Ripper somehow increases the internal body pressure to cause them to explode from the inside. Somehow the forensics investigators keep thinking the killer is killing by slicing people up with a knife, which would look nothing like exploding from within, even assuming programming your body to explode was possible. Band of Thievesone of Bentley's plans works on the assumption that tigers dislike water.

In real life, tigers are one of the few known types of cat who like to get wet. Also in the Sly Cooper games, Bentley a turtle and Murray a hippopotamusboth aquatic creatures, are incapable of swimming, instantly drowning upon contact with a body of water.

For a series that goes to great length to explain how everything works, the powered marine armour really shouldn't require multiple shoulder dislocations Arguably explained and justified by the opening cinematic for Starcraft II. Though that depends on whether you believe Tychus Findley's build is at all realistic. The Last Hope features a number of baffling evolutionary presumptions. For instance, there are apparently "right" and "wrong" ways to evolve, and we should "make our hearts worthy" of evolution.

Edge Maverick must not hold protozoa in very high regard. Edge, sweetie, that's "cultural development" and "reaching a specific level of technological advancement specifically interstellar travel within that culture" you're thinking of, not evolution, the two are almost entirely unrelated.

Master of Disguise has a dolphin boss who breathes water instead of air, and the way to beat it involves trapping it above water so it gasps like a fish. Because dolphins are obviously fish.

Out of all the rooms inside the greenhouse, the one with green light is probably the most prominent: It's ironic that the green room was chosen to be this way, considering it's also the most unrealistic. Chlorophyll absorbs light throughout the visible spectrum, but mostly in the blue and red regions and very little in the green region in fact, of all the many pigments that plants use to absorb light, none of them absorb much green light.

The sun gives off the most amount of its energy as visible light in the green region of the spectrum nm. Chlorophyll is easily destroyed by too much energy, and when the pigments break down and stop absorbing light entering the plant, that energy can cause damage to other plant tissues as well, including the plants DNA.

Think of it as a sort of plant sunburn. World of Warcraft The devs don't know how horses run the game animates them the same way as a cheetah, with legs outstretched in the suspension phase instead of collected.

But is it a big enough deal for the devs to correct it? Elekk a pseudo elephant mount freakin' gallop. Come to think of it, so do the mammoths. Knee joints of adamantium! Orcas apparently produce humpback whale song. When fighting, no less. The Cure Virus in Ever Willing suspension of disbelief can take you a pretty long way Maybe that one can slide. But with no apparent benefit to itself and also apparently adapting itself to give infrared vision to cover the inability to cope with UV rays and therefore be unable to go out when it's not dark?

Retroviruses are not magical, intelligent and they do not change DNA for the benefit of their host. Odds are, however, that the Cure virus isn't natural. Leiblich was researching virus engineering, after all. It would explain how and why they knew Tsugumi had been infected at all. Then, they studied her to try and find out what was about her that made the virus work.

Never7 reveals that the Cure Virus was created as a result of a Cure Syndrome delusion, so the "magical" part of the virus can be explained that the virus adapted itself to work in a human's body that way. In Steins;GateLukako's sex is changed by making the mother eat a lot of vegetables instead of meat.

This is lampshaded as being an old wives' tale, and none of the characters really think it will work In Cow of the WildRune's distinctive scar supposedly resulted from the pupil of his eye being ripped out.

The pupil is a hole in the iris. Just think about that for a minute. DiDi's breasts defy the laws of both biology and physics — despite having enormous natural Gag Boobsthey not only fail to sag at allbut are completely spherical, with the nipple appearing on the upper-third of the breast.

A Rule of Sexy here, as Gisele almost never draws breasts as anything but round and perky. As referenced above, Liquid Snake's appalling grasp of biology is repeatedly referenced and mocked in The Last Days Of FOXHOUND. And then it turns out to be a Double Subversionbecause Big Boss explains that it was actually Solid that got all the "recessive genes.

Subsequently lampshaded when Liquid consults the American Journal of Inaccurate Genetics. In the world of Off-Whitehumans normally can't have blue eyes at all. This is necessary for the plot to work, because White Spirits are indicated by their blue eyes. If humans could have blue eyes in this comic, they would have no way of knowing that the human White Spirit is gone, something that drives much of the plot.

Actually averted in The Order of the Stickthough in a bit of a misleading way: Vaarsuvius' familiar refers to pteranodons as "clade brothers". While pteranodons are not the precursors of modern birds, they do share the clade Archosaura. But then, in cladistics, almost any two organisms can be part of the same clade if you go back far enough.

Lions and Tigers are part of the clade Felidae; dogs and cats Carnivora; cats and monkeys Mammalia; and so on. In Teahouse the brother-sister twins Remy and Rory are said to be identical even though that's impossible for a brother and sister pair. Downplayed in Contest Jitters. Janet is very buff for a natural bodybuilder, but her trainer did comment that she had the genes for it. It is also shown that she works very hard at weights. At one point, Dolly begins ageing at an accelerated rate, going from a teenager to middle-aged overnight.

While there was some speculation that this was the reason for the real Dolly becoming sick and needing put down at half the typical lifespan of a sheep, it was eventually concluded that there was no evidence to support this. Also, the thinking behind this speculation was that Dolly's cells might have started out at the "same age" as her donor-mother, but in Kevin and KellDolly like most fictional clones is already the same age as the donor Corrie Daleand the increased ageing makes her noticeably older than Corrie.

Mountain Time plays it in-universe, with two characters arguing nonsense biology. Stand Still, Stay Silent: The pregnancies of a couple characters from the Just Before the End prologue come across as having happened quite late in their lives: That puts her pregnancy somewhere between her late forties and early fifties, the time around which most women get hit with menopause.

Mia is a straighter case: Even lower estimates of her age make her get pregnant with him past the 55 year mark. Cake Wrecks often features things that are supposed to be cake-and-frosting representations of people. Most of them are anatomically implausible at best, often involving boneless limbs, off-centre faces, and oddly contorted positions. The only thing the kick can be used for is kicking palm trees to make cherries appear.

But please God, tell me one thing: Why are there cherries coming out of a fucking palm tree?! Many cartoons or drawings portray coconuts as hairy, brown balls hanging from trees. In real life, coconuts are green or yellow and have smooth surfaces; the brown, hairy part usually seen is actually the endocarp of a coconut. An episode of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius involves extracting mitochondria from a virus.

Viruses aren't cellular and don't have cells, and by extension don't have mitochondria. In "The Eggpire Strikes Back," Jimmy states that, because Cindy extracted the secret to entering his lab from Carl and Sheen and betrayed him to the Yolkians, that he's going to erase her short term memory so that she forgets.

Thing is, this had happened the day before, so unless Cindy didn't sleep the knowledge would already have been consolidated into long term memory. In an episode, some cows and a human were turned into mutant monstrosities due to exposure to an alien mutagen. Fortunately they were "only briefly exposed", so the mutation reversed itself by the end of the episode. The sequel series Ben One of these has a nonhuman parent of a species made of fire. In an episode of the short-lived The Buzz on MaggieMaggie's older brother zaps her with a hand buzzer, resulting in X-Ray Sparks.

For those who have never heard of the show, it's a high school comedy involving insects. Insects do not have inner skeletons. Chip 'n Dale both have dog-like noses and short deer-like tails, something real chipmunks do not have. In the Courage the Cowardly Dog episode "The Magic Tree of Nowhere", when Eustace accidentally wishes for Muriel to come down with an illness, Courage is tasked with making a cure with honey from a hornet's nest. While some species of hornets and wasps can make honey, it's only produced in small amounts and is not fit for human consumption.

In Danny Phantomfailed cloning resulted in a female, younger version of Danny, named Daniellewho would devolve into ectoplasm if she used her powers. Cloning should produce a younger version, just a fair bit more so than the cartoon likely portrayed. Done in The Fairly OddParents! Forcing himself to re-attend school, Timmy's Dad retakes the competition and goes on a roll until the last question, "which sea vegetable would suit perfectly on an undersea salad", causes him to hesitate until he find it in himself to say the right answer.

In spite of the name, sea cucumbers are not cucumbers or vegetables in general, but animals - specifically echinoderms, like starfish. Regular cucumbers aren't technically vegetables, even. Most of the jokes based on Joe's crippled status fall under this.

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Anyone who knows ANYTHING about paralysis knows the problem isn't the legs, it's the damage to the spine that keeps the legs or anything below the damage from being used. Leg transplants wouldn't repair the damage at all, correcting the damage to the spine would.

Even stranger in that in one episode when he was cured, he got re-paralyzed by a gunshot wound to the lower back, and they also make a lot of jokes about how nothing else below the waist works very well.

Like most things on the show, Joe's paralysis mostly seems to run on Rule of Funny. Never mind the Unfortunate Implications of all the cripple jokes. At the end of the episode "Quagmire's Quagmire", Quagmire gets a call from his male-to-female father saying that he's pregnant.

As explored on South Park when Mr. Garrison got a sex change, his father wouldn't be able to carry a child because the surgery wouldn't have given him the organs needed to do so. Franklin and the Green Knighta film from the Franklin series depicts Mrs. Turtle, an anthropomorphic turtle, as being pregnant with Franklin's sister, Harriet, rather than laying an egg. Franklin can also remove his shell in the cartoon series. In reality, a turtle's shell is fused to its spine and ribcage.

Even if it were possible to take it off, attempting such an act would kill the turtle in a very messy way. While we're on the subject, someone should remind a certain Italian plumber of this. This is averted in the follow-up series Franklin and Friends in which not only can neither Franklin nor any of his family remove their shells, but it's also said at least once that the shell grows with them.

One episode of the version of George of the Jungle has a rhinoceros skeleton with the horns still intact as if they were bones. A rhino's horn is made up of keratin, so when the animal dies it would have rotted away with the flesh if not quicker.

Among the many errors regarding animal physiology and behavior, one of the more minor in Hero is the Deer King and his men, who neigh, grunt, and whinny like horses even though deer in real life make noises more like they have kazoos stuck in their throats or barking. In one episode of Johnny TestJohnny and Dukey go into their sisters' lab and take their ladybug when they run out of insects which they used by photographing them in products and sending the pictures to the companies so they can get free stuff as an apology.

Predictably, things don't go as planned as the ladybug is revealed to be highly unstable and grows into a voracious giant that threatened to eat all vegetation in its path, including an extremely rare giant pansy in Porkbelly's greenhouse exhibit. Unless it was a part of the subfamily Epilachninae which are in fact herbivores and present a significant problem as crop pestsa majority of ladybugs family Coccinellidae people know are carnivorous and feed mainly on aphids.

Most jarringly is that Johnny's sisters, who frequently tout themselves as geniuses, never point this out. Much like the Warhammer example above, Jonny Quest: The Real Adventures has an episode where Dr. Quest foinds out that Moai statues that he is studying are resonant chambers, and by playing a certain tone could speed up evolution.

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