How to make money ratting in eve

How to make money ratting in eve

Posted: Alister Date: 14.07.2017

New or returning pilots: How do the pros make so much money? Im new to this game and so far I love it but I keep wondering how people can manage to buy these billion ISK ships, so far all of my money comes from exploration but its barely million.

Explo is really easy on SP requirements but also caps out on max profit and is very luck dependent. Ratting is stable and generates isk and loot, but its hard to get beyond 20m wallet ticks without a carrier or something just as pricy. Incursions also fall into the same place, big isk investment, big pay out.

I would say the easiest way to get rich is to aquire a jump freighter, is a billion isk, toothless, piece of air with a jump drive.

Ratting - UniWiki

However, the man who wins the gold rush is the one who sells the shouvles. Doing stuff for others will net you more money than earning it yourself. Or just PLEX, its your call. And how do freighters work? I did small regional trading with a badger but if those players with obelisks etc, use the same procedures, it must be a logistical clusterfuck.

Pretty much all high level EVE stuff right there.

You get used to it. It's how we got our nickname. Spreadsheets would help work out things to do with your mining, I. I use it for station trading, production, mining and as a more handy tool to keep track of assets mostly.

Freighters are simple haulers; get stuff, warp to gate, jump, warp next gate, etc, reach destonation and dump stuff. They're slow and bulky and very easy to catch making them only really useful in highsec.

Jump freighters on the other hand are much safer. A jump capable ship can jump to any cyno in your fleet that's lit within a certain distance measured in lightyears. That often spans a dozen or so systems. Practically uncatchable if you do it right. Two main ways to make money off that: Investment is huge for most players. Payout matches the investment though, and it scales really well since you can easily have 2 characters with jump freighters jump to the same cyno.

How does the jump freighter get back to Jita when it's done its dropoff if you can't light cynos in highsec? Jump to a cyno lit off a station in a lowsec system that adjoins highsec. Align to highsec gate.

Warp to gate and jump. If you get tackled before warping, just dock in the station. Works best with stations that have large docking radii. Absolutely no chance of getting caught unless you land just out of range at the gate and there's a bunch of enemy ships that bump you off - and even that can be avoided with clever bookmarks.

He's actually talking about a jump freighter. Say you join a nullsec alliance. It's difficult to get stuff from Jita to nullsec - there's 30 jumps gate to gate and many of them are bubbled and camped. So,you need jump freighters to move large amounts of cargo packaged ship. There's a high demand for this as relatively few players have the JF's and the required stable of cyno toons to get the JF from place to place.

So, a full JF courier load can net you a lot of isk. A few hundred million isk minimum. The nullsec alliances are willing to pay this, they're making more money in the nullsec area. People do try to build stuff out there rather than shipping it, but it's not always possible given the resources available in the area.

Its the parts, and having poor skills prevents you from using T2 modules which means you have to fit faction or deadspace inorder to be compeditive. Expirenced pilots will fit them because they want to, low sp pilots fit them because they have to. We bring alphas and newbees into our incursion fleets, were they can easy make m an hour just cap charging or painting things. Though unlike high-sec, one has to wait for incursion spawns.

While many won't say because that's how they keep earning and don't want to cut profit with others I'll tell you my secret - by being nice. I'm an alpha noob but I have to say one of the reasons why I definitely will be switching to an omega pilot later is because of the community.

Everyone is SO NICE. I've rarely been ignored whenever I've asked a question, and older more experienced players just give me things sometimes because we've had nice conversations.

They're trying to help a little noobie out. I understand very little of the game, but I'm willing to carry on and keep learning more even if it seems overwhelming because there are so many people to help out. There's no reason not to be helpful to a newbro at all. The more questions you ask and we answer the better you become.

When the newbro has a great attitude it's just icing on the cake. The best part is that it doesn't even cost that much money to help a newbro out. Sometimes I take an alt to uitra and hand out m each to a couple newbies, and that can really help them out. All that for like 20 minutes of ratting or a few hours worth of PI products.

I feel bad, a newbro in EvEUni was in a FW plex that was pretty busy, I ate his cruiser alive in my AF, and then got jumped by 4 other dudes and ended up not sending him a 'GF' in time. When the shockwaves settled, I saw a message from him, 'wow not even a GF'.

That was exactly my experience with this games aswell. It still amazes me how great this community is. Have an upvote, dear sir! So did he legit just bail as a third party with that trade? I know it's a few billion, but seems Darkness could've made more off it. He took the isk and the vanquisher. What people are confused about is why, because he has easily earned 5x that based on his reputation. Some people guess that he panicked with the release of keepstars and foresaw himself out of a job, others say he was quitting eve and going out with a bang.

There hasn't been a clear answer yet Chribba makes money by being a third party for among others supercapital sales. The buyer sends the isk to Chribba, then the seller leaves his ship and lets the buyer board it, after which Chribba sends the ISK to the seller. He keeps a small fee for offering this service. The fun thing here is that Chribba had been building up trust for over ten years, which is why people work with him. Becoming a trusted third party takes a LOT of time.

In the past I've heard the fee is mil for nullsec and something like mil for lowsec. Not exactly chump change. So I'm not spreading lies. Absolutely, if you're gonna buy a super, pay the price for peace of mind. But I meant that if your Chribba, and making mil per deal, it adds up pretty quick, and that's only a tiny bit of his income.

I've used in null-sec, in low-sec. I think Darknesss ran with in low before he turned to the dark side. The 'old' way was to hand over an entire POS tower with the ship in the Shield the cost of the POS was just assumed like sales tax: Unfortunately EVE has a cap of one nice player at any given time.

You are like the human version of the Palatine keepstar. Join a big alliance, go into nullsec and continue exploration. Wormhole explo can be quite lucrative as well, though you have to watch your back a lot closer out there. I rarely come across other exploration runners out in WH. A lot of miners, some rats hunting those willing to go in. But i've yet to run into another explorer. If it wasn't so damn sketch to go into WH i'd do it more often. But sitting there for 10 minutes scanning while I sit helplessly in my current rig isn't my idea of a great time.

You can then scan for as long as the probes stay in space, well over an hour. No need to remain vulnerable. I'm working on cloaking right now, it's one of the few skills that didn't cross over from my days flying a Keres so it'll take me about a 4 more days to achieve it.

By the time that's done I'll have racked enough income adventuring to consider flying my t2's to be worth it and will just run cloaks on them instead. Even the prototype cloak will get the job done. Warp onto a new grid, activate cloak, start moving in a random direction. I do this in an imicus. If you're careful and with a bit of luck you can be pulling m from a couple sites.

Not bad for a 6m frig. Waiting for T2 seems a waste, why bother raising your cost when it's just as safe in a T1. Astero is the only upgrade I'd actually shoot for when it comes to explo so you can fight off other asteros. Now level 2 mastery along with t2 drone capable, along with the covert ops cloak.

It feels like everyone and their dog is running WH now but NPC null excepting Stain which is permafucked is ripe. Since you seem to be more knowledgeable than I in npc null, what differentiates Stain from other npc null? Stain relic sites have intact armor plates which go for somewhere between 3.

That, and a decent smattering of the blue salvage in the 1mil-2mil range. Those are the reasons I'm aware of for exploring in Stain and the surrounding SovNull Sansha spaces. Access to their 0. Also access to their market and fun within their community. This is the most fun part of eve. If you fly into any 0. Well, depending on what alliance you join, exploration can become much safer, and when you're not looking back over your shoulder every time someone comes into local you can operate faster, and being in an alliance can also open the door to many other money-making ventures as well.

The only advantage I know of is immunity to being wardecced but that only applies to highsec where you're not going to earn as much anyways. With the exception of Providence the inhabitants of other null sec regions will most likely try to kill you on sight. If you're in the alliance though your chances of dying are much smaller because not only will the inhabitants be blue to you but you'll also likely get access to intel channels to keep you a bit safer. Definitely some good advice right here.

Exploration is pretty quick to train into and can give great isk. Its random but good money for a new player. Exploration is very hit or miss in Delve lately. I can make mil a night some nights, others I pull in like Keeps me fitted to get blown up though so there is that.

Exploration numbers are widely exaggerated A big relic site is 7 cans worth, assuming you atleast fail-hack them all to cycle the site, you are looking at mins per site not factoring scanning. Here are some ways to make it off other people. C5 solo dread is done much more frequently as far as I'm aware, and solo C6 is hard without a VERY blingy fit.

I'm sure it works in a C5 too, but probably isn't as much isk as a C6. Never done it myself. Wow thanks to everyone that is posting. I wish I could answer to everyone but it's over comments, which is amazing. With nullsec anomalies afk you mean scanning down sites and just leaving drones kill the spawning npcs? Also keep in mind that people really like to overstate their incomes. And I wont share my isk making because it really cuts into my income, but ingeneral doin something few people do will bring in great isk per hour.

But mil per hour without a capital is quite possible for 0. Thou most will get 20 mil ticks with active ratting. Or with carrier ratting mil per hour is what you lookin at and super ratting you can get up to mil per hour.

There are way more options to make isk if you don't want to do ratting. That's on the low end, not to mention your 20mil tick estimate with a VNI is only really possible with perfect skills. A lot of alliance-held sovereignty systems are upgraded to spawn more combat anomalies, which have groups of rats with bounties on them. I don't know the exact numbers for VNI but you can make a decent amount if you put your nose to the grindstone. I, however, just buy PLEX because I'm lazy and have disposable income, and I don't buy things that require absurd amounts of ISK.

VNI will net you about mil per hour. Not a cue for people to start bragging about their tick size to newbros who won't realistically be there for a few months. Generally the best stable way for new players to generate isk is to get into a VNI, get into a stable null sec alliance shudder dronelands shudder is good for this.

Long time Dronelands resident here. Not sure why you shudder. Reliable income, far less regional drama, less local conflicts same great access to jump freighter services.


Because it's a bears paradise and fucking awful for anyone trying to earn some isk while having fun pvping. If you tell people this stuff, they'll come and start running our sites!

I know, but now I can pull the "I told you so" card and sound smart. For a new bro if you have mill and can commit to paying attention so you don't lose it I recommend a gila as the sp requirements are so much lower.

A low sp gila will make much higher ticks than a low sp vexor navy. Should have said mill to spare for a ratting ship. It is what I meant of course you should never fly what you can't afford to lose. For a newbro expecting to lose a ship, I'd actually recommend a Vexor.

Ticks are lower, but so are your losses. When they get enough isk, they can graduate. I asked my Corp for a gila ratting fit and they all laughed at me and told me to use a VNI or Rattle. Is the gila good for ratting? But for real, you know some people would grind for hours to level up to max in many other MMO, it's kinda like this but grinding for ISK instead. Anyone can afford Titan if they're willing to grind ISK for however long.

When you get richer, it becomes easier to make more ISK. I fly incursions in highsec on an alt. It's not uncommon for me to make a billion isk in a single 8 hour gaming session. Not as hard as you'll believe, you can get an account that can fly in a few months of training if you focused. The minimum for a vindicator skillplan is 55 days. Well, there's the investment to be made in a ship a couple hundred mil is a lot to a new player , and then there's no guarantee any of the groups will pick that person over someone flying I'm fairly sure Warp to Me take anyone they can get, TVP on the other hand will leave you on WL for quite a while if it's busy though.

It's not about WTM taking anyone they can get, it's about taking anyone that wants to fly. It might sound the same, but the idea behind it is different.

Usually WTM does not have low numbers. Yea Warp to Me is basically get in line for a role, and your in once your up and a spot is open for that role. In my experience when a HQ system is not under high competition most TVP FCs give new incursion pilots a chance as long as they have a correct beginner fitting. Yeah I just started flying incursions in TVP around a week and a half ago and usually I don't have to wait more than 45 mins to get in a fleet.

Then again, I have the liberty of being able to avoid peak hours where there might be more competition for spots. Worst is after downtime. You are an fc's dream pilot. There are a couple of people like you in the community, and you all get extremely fast invites because we know you will be willing and able to switch if needed. I won't guess who you are, but I have some guesses: I don't think test members are banned from wtm, test MAINS are banned from wtm.

Same for goons, panfam, etc. It's because you're always war decced, it's not safe to fly in fleet when there are people who can freely engage you in highsec. Yeah, I did the silence the informant missions as an alpha. I ran them in a mn HML caracal, took me 20 min a site approx. I do have to wait in WL some times for quite a while 1 hr yesterday and the day before , but I usually get in with my basic vindi, and I don't feel like a burden.

What i mean to say is, that if you are creative enough, you can make big bucks fairly simple. Thats the beauty of the game, the million ways you can get rich. I mean, if you want to grind out the ISK to buy said Hyperion as a month-old character who can't do anything else because they trained straight for the Hyperion, then sure. I have had a guy who learned to run C1-C2-C3s for the null sec relic spawns. As others have said, Nullsec has great income. But another point to note is that many of the large null alliances have SRP ship replacement program.

This means that when we take our several billion isk dreadnoughts or carriers out for an alliance sanctioned operation, we are not shouldering the full risk of deploying the asset.


Let's say I lose my nag - I will get most of the value reimbursed between my alliance and CCP's insurance. So you do need several billion isk to get a dread, let's say, but generally you only need to make that purchase once.

That being said, if I am carrier ratting, and get caught, that would be on me, since it is not an alliance op. Unfortunately you'll never get the experience to be a "good pilot" if you just wait for srp ops. Caps almost never get deployed in many alliances and when they do, it's because they are there to speed a process up. Sometimes being dumb and shouldering the risk gets you the skills you need to become proficient, and will help you keep a calmer head when things go tits up, and maybe even escape from a shitty situation.

There have been time where I've flown with friends less experienced than I, we've gotten ourselves into a fair amount of trouble, and I survived where they didn't due to knowing the limits of l my ship. Nothing at all about being in a large null alliance prevents solo pvp from happening. Many people go run around by themselves, being elite pvp despite being in large bloc. I know plenty do, but if anyone takes the attitude "I'll only go on SRP fleets, etc" then they won't be exposed to situations that force them to think their own way out.

At least not very often. I think null is more approachable for newbeans, in that regard. There are so many guys willing to help out and answer questions, encourage emergence in the game, provide backup, laugh and be laughed at etc. Trying to learn the game via small gang and solo stuff, idk. How do you figure out basic mechanics?

Guess it depends where you wind up, but wherever has to have that support backbone, without which I bet player retention is lower. I've had friends who do just that.

For example when i played i was keeping a list of good items, bought it in jita and let someone ship it to nullsec and then sell it there. Also build T1 ships with local minerals, look what ships fleets are losing Its pretty low effort.

Train a character for a t3c I like loki's , train an alt for a black ops battle ship, hunt ratters, loot ratters, profit. Keep going with exploration. I went in drone space for the first time, warp to the first data site I found but someone had hacked 2 cans out of 3. I hacked the last one , got and escalation which leads you to a better data site. Few jumps later I hacked the three cans there and I found a 'Augmented' Mining Drone BPC with 60 runs. Drone space is the regions where "rats" are drones and not Sanshas, nor Guristas nor Angels etc Pay attention to the patch notes and buy stuff that will increase in value.

Guidance systems used to cost isk each and were sold by NPCs. I'm usually so bad at this. The one time I got ahead of it I was poor and bought up 5 isn't are before their super buff years back.

It is terrible if you only have 1m-1b isk to invest! But it is amazing if you have b-1t isk to invest! Here's a random example of some trading I did on my Alpha PVP character that I am trying to play without help from my Omega accounts. When the Sunesis came out, I put buy orders in a few regions solitude, placid, verge vendor, essence, and that about got me to the market order cap on the alpha account for a few million isk and updated them every minutes I was grading mid-terms IIRC, so every time I finished grading an exam I would update orders.

By the end of the day I had a few dozen of them for anywhere from m isk, which I then turned around and sold in Jita for around m isk. Obviously this isn't a b isk investment, but it required little time and a small down payment for a nice return, and is something any Alpha can do. Setup some PI on lava planets to harvest Silicon - in lowsec you can make around 2 billion a month if you set the cycle every day!

how to make money ratting in eve

I have 2 accounts with PI maxed out and in WSpace was making 6 bil ish a month with Silicon and Proteins with a few clicks every day! You start out by hauling PI materials in an epithal bought off off low buy orders in Dodixie and sold with high profit in jita. Soon you upgrade to using an Occator, because CODE shows interest in your hauling operation and you need more safety. You start picking up public curier contracts on the way back so you don't go empty. As long as you find a isk-making profession you like "the grind" becomes very enjoyable.

For some people its watching Netflix while ratting, others like to shittalk during incursions and for some is all about drinking craft beer while mining. For me personally its avoiding all the gankers that had me watchlisted and where activly hunting me Rip that feature, will be missed. I'm going on a break from EVE for a bit so here's a tip. Then look trough the contracts with multiple items.

Copy paste them into http: Repackaging everything and shipping them to Jita. This is something that really scales with how much ISK you have. And if you see someone posting a lot of stuff, convo them, asking if they have more stuff to sell, might get a good discount if you buy in bulk and most importantly remember. Haggling is a thing, you can lowball a price since after all, you are here to make a profit.

Set "date created" as your filter on the top right corner. Best contracts get taken first. Here is probably the best contract I've found so far. But screwed up and instead selected everything he had and yes, I posted the drake BPC's after accepting for k each since I need more iron in my diet. But then I often lose all my money intentionally by going to Jita, finding high margin items, and systematically ruining that margin for everyone else by progressively driving the sell orders down.

It's the lazy man's pvp. There are a few general careers for making money, each with a bunch of specialties. A lot of rich players use multiple characters to dabble in a few different areas, and they also set up passive income from moon goo, planetary interaction and skill injector farming. Some of us also just use a lot of characters to do the same thing because the income really scales up nicely.

Takes the same amount of time to Plex, but then once you're plexed, you're making that much more. Ultimately it comes down to how much you are willing to grind or if your credit card can stomach that much PLEX.

Many players simply scale up an activity they don't find totally horrible. For me that is for the moment primarily lazyish Planetary Interaction, stocking Spectre Fleet stations, a little Injector manufacturing on the side, and basically anything I think I can make some ISK with if it's convenient. At least the funnest part of EVE is you can be as creative as you want with your ISK making, or just grind missions 8 hours a day if you want.

Some times you just get lucky with a big score. Sometimes you rip off your crappy wormhole alliance because your alliance directors are prats who had no hanger passwords. Since skilling up to a supercap takes forever, most have been in the game grinding long enough to have that much ISK to buy one by that point. I don't know much about planetary interaction, but I thought that that was supposed to be a long-term kind of thing?

Don't wormholes disappear after a few days? They collapse after either a certain time elapses, or after a certain ammount of mass goes through them. This means you can forcibly collapse a wormhole by sending large-mass ships through repetedly. If it was one of your system's static holes, it will respawn leading to a different system with the same type. This lets you A control who your neighbors are to an extent aka, "guys we just rolled into Odin's Call.

how to make money ratting in eve

Roll the damn hole now! Got to join a wormhole corp. Then make that fat isk. But if you are new, you'll want to skill up cause you will want to have good drone skills, goo missile skills, run gilas and be cov ops.

I carrier rat on 1 account and run 5 different accounts ratting with Isktars. It's quite a bit of micromanaging but I'm weird and like it. I bought 6 skill injectors to inject into carriers on my alt, plus the carrier 3. From there it cost about 3. For many people they just grind. If you have nothing to do some people will sit there and rat making mil per hour 8 hours a day or some shit like that. At that rate it's easy to get rich over a summer or something.

And then once you have money it's super easy to make more just like in real life. You can get into trading, market shit, logistics, or manufacturing. You can have an unlimited amount of omega accounts running on one computer at the same time--the limitation only being your computer's ability to run them. Many players use a second monitor and can more or less play 2 or more accounts at once. On the other hand, you cannot have an Alpha account logged in at the same time as any other account.

That's what has traditionally made "alts" so valuable. If you can fly a vexor you should be set. You're looking for less populated areas of high sec ideally. If BoB is kind you'll find a fair amount of decent c-type stuff, maybe some small a-type mods, which can easily inflate your wallet. GL, may BoB be with you. I had fun flying with a wormhole group doing pve in a c3. Cheap ships, and it was fun figuring it out.

Also low sp ships were all you needed to make dank isk. If in a fleet with boosts could be a bit out, i don't mine. Moon mining, you anchor a pos and it generates moon goo which you need to make T2 ships and mods. I'm guessing you're low sp.

So the easiest is to join a nullsec alliance. Buy a battlecruiser and rat up some ISK to get started. VNI, run hubs all day. Then do the same in a carrier. Then the same in carriers. Then the same in dreads. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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PL, you aren't TEST, you're better than this. CCP has forbidden me to fly with the propulsion mode of my Confessor. Eve submitted 5 months ago by supergary69 Im new to this game and so far I love it but I keep wondering how people can manage to buy these billion ISK ships, so far all of my money comes from exploration but its barely million.

Pi gets usage as well. You also make money in both directions - hauling stuff to trade hubs to be sold. With the price drop in pirate BSs it's not as bad an initial investment.

It's a very unusual online environment. So rarely do i find relic sites anymore. Or at least that's the plan. I don't doubt that it will be derailed. Do you think theres an advantage to not being in an alliance? You will need scout 2nd character though.

Here are some good examples of how to create wealth yourself: Run nullsec anomalies afk in a VNI. Run incursions in highsec. Run anomalies in wormholes. Run L4 misisons in highsec. Low SP and ship investment. Extract goo from planets. Only recommended in nullsec either in your own rorqual or in a rorqual-boosted fleet. Be a market maker or market manipulator.

Buy low and sell high. This is probably the best isk in the game, but nobody's going to tell you how to do it in any more detail than I just did, so it's really not very accessible. Tons of guides out there on how to do this Kill people and take their stuff.

Gank haulers in highsec trade hubs, or JFs in HS-entry systems. Or gank blingy pve ships. Scam it directly using contracts, margin trading, the trade window, etc. Run a successful corporation. Tax your members' activities. Run a hauling service to nullsec, or stock a nullsec market. Multi boxing drone ships in null sec is good money too, usually vexor navy, gila or Ishtar.

Cause maximum income is always something stupid. And I wont share my isk making because it really cuts into my income, but ingeneral doin something few people do will bring in great isk per hour But mil per hour without a capital is quite possible for 0. It's going to happen anyways and you know it. Then you progress into a battleship and basically double it.

Got any proof of this? Especially don't mention that we have some of the best data sites in eve!!!! You will loose it. Get the experience and then go Gila.

Place top 10 and you get 10bil in plex. Never tell everything you know. I mean, I guess they could join TEST and go with them or something?

TTT Very important role, FCs will love you.

how to make money ratting in eve

Can't have pilots flying with wardecs and endangering the fleet. I noticed that I got kicked from WTM channel the second I joined test.

Tldr don't be poor, get good. Can you imagine try to figure out lowsec mechanics while scooting around FW with 5m SP? You can scale those operations indefinately. Either way, thank you so much! That or promise to double your FC's isk. I promise I'll return it, PK! Always clean the sites in drone land: Before you know it you are a director in a hauling corp and have three jump freighters.. I didn't do it all at once, but the total costs came out to around Repeat 10 times and you doubled your starting funds, which means you also doubled your income.

Do it for a year or two and you go from m to b. If in a fleet with boosts could be a bit out, i don't mine High sec they do incursions I hear do something between carrier and super ratting. Wormholes they have some cool high end pve that can clear per hour. Lowsec they run level 5s and they make silly money as well.

Outside of that the real whales are also big in industry and market trading. Industry, producing mods and ships that people use every day Looting and salvaging. Some mods are very valuable and only drop from certain things. After that work towards a tengu or maybe an Ishtar for PVE content. This is an archived post. You won't be able to vote or comment. Posts are automatically archived after 6 months.

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